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TW : Bullies

Hazel's POV :

My ankle healed. It took few weeks and one last hospital trip to remove my cast but it was all better now, except that I learned not to run down the stairs, I won't do it again. I decided to go back to school after being home-schooled for weeks because I missed social interaction and friends. Moms found a great school with nice teachers who cared for their students. They did a meeting with my teachers in order to explain them my conditions and they all agreed to help me. Today was my first day back and I was very stressed.

"Did you take you fidgets ? Your snack ? Your jacket ? Do you have anything you need ?" Asked mom Mina.

"Yep !" I answered patting my bag.

"Let's go then."

Mom Mina drove me to school and after one last hug I walked to my first class. I sat at the back of the class, trying to be as discreet as I could. The teacher came in and after a brief talk about what we were going to study today, she said "we have a new student in the class. Hazel, could you present yourself in a few words ?"

I slowly stood up and walked to the teacher's desk. I took a deep breathe and began.

"Hi, I'm Hazel Goode Venable." I just said. I started walking to my desk when the teacher grabbed my arm. "Could you maybe tell us more about yourself ?" She asked me in a sweet tone. At this point everyone was looking at me and I was feeling extremely uncomfortable but I needed to try, I promised my moms I would do an effort to socialize and be like a normal teenager.

"Um, well I like to spend time outside, in my garden for example but also taking walks next to the lack. And um... I really like to draw and to paint."

"So you're some kind of artist !" Stated the teacher with a sympathetic smile.

"I- I don't think so but thanks." I slightly smiled, looking down of embarrassment.

I went to sit and the class went well. I shared my desk with a nice boy, Luke. We talked a bit, he was very shy, but I'm too so. We sat together at lunch and it was great to have someone to talk to.

"So why did you join the class so late in the year ?" He asked me.

"Well, basically I have a lot of anxiety and my last experience at school was very bad. People were laughing at me and the teachers were so mean. But here it seems like it's very different !" I finished, in order to cheer up the conversation.

"Uh, that's not entirely true..."

"Why ?" I frowned.

"The teachers are nice and great but some students are kind of annoying."

"I thought our class seemed cool !"

"Yes, our classmates are okay but some of the other students really like to pick on people." He said looking down.

"Who ?" I demanded and Luke showed me a table of boys and girls who seemed older than me. They were very loud and when I looked at them, they stopped talking.
"Turn around Hazel, they saw you staring at them." Luke said a bit stressed.

"And what ? I can look where I want it's not like they're going to-" I was cut off by someone touching my shoulder so I turned around and noticed the group from the loud table.

"Well Luke, you didn't told us that you had a new girlfriend !" The boys and girls laughed.

"Th-that's not my girlfriend, that's my new friend." Luke responded, still looking at his plate.

The group turned their eyes to me.

"And who are you ? We never saw you before."

"I'm Hazel. I arrived today."

"Well nice to meet you Hazel." He shook my hand. "And for your first day, I offer you a very good advice, don't stay with the nerd !" He joked looking at Luke. "You better stay far from this type of loser. Why don't you come sit with us next time ?"

I dropped his hand and looked at him in the eyes. "I'm fine here. Don't worry." I just said and turned back to Luke who seemed helpless.

"Okay, chose whoever you want then. But you still can join us after school, we'll be behind the stadium, next to the parking lot. I think we can teach you a lot of things about this school, and mostly about the students you shouldn't stay with." He winked at me and made a face to Luke who I could swear, had tears nearly streaming down his cheeks.

I sighed when they left us alone and waved at Luke.

"Hey Luke are you there ? Don't worry I'm not gonna stay with us. They seem stupid. And I have already a friend, right ?" I smiled at him.

"Right." He said quietly, wiping the tears.

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