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TW : Eating-Disorder


Cordelia's POV :

I came home first again and like last time, Hazel was sleeping in her bed. I thought that I must talk to her if she felt not good or something because I didn't really saw her eat lately and she sleeps a lot. I waited for Mina to come home and when she did, I talked to her about my worries, which she shared.

"What should we do ?" I asked very concerned.

"I think the best thing is to talk to her. Maybe you were right, maybe it's something about her 'friends', or what they pretend to be for her." Mina replied as worried as I was.

I went to wake Hazel up and she jumped when I touched her.

"Hey baby it's me. I'm sorry I didn't want to startle you but it's dinner time." I tried to be as gentle as I could and my daughter slowly nodded and followed me downstairs when Mina was waiting for us. Hazel must have seen her stern face because she gulped and sat at the counter shaking a bit.

I frowned not knowing why she felt like that and raised her face with my finger, which we're used to do because when she's stressed, she tends to not loo, at us.

"You're okay honey ?" I immediately saw the tears in her eyes as she broke down.

"I- Are you mad at me ?" She cried looking at Mina.

"Oh no, of course not darling. What would I be mad at you ??" My wife answered, taking Hazel's cheeks in her hands.

"I- I don't know you look angry and- and you have so many reasons to be mad at me for what I did the past f-few weeks."

"Oh sweetie." Both Mina and I made our way around our little girl and hugged her as tight as we could. That's when I noticed that I could feel her ribs. We stayed like that a moment until Mina pulled off the hug because her back was getting painful. I did the same and I took a step back to look at my daughter. She looked skinny, skinnier than before and very pale. Hazel had always been a small girl. She wasn't very tall and she was thin since I know her. But today, she seemed skinny, in a sick way. As she was already not in a good state of mind, I chose not to mention what I just noticed and keep it for later. Mina started explaining why we were worried about Hazel and we were absolutely not mad at her, never. At the same time I filled the plates for us three. When I took my baby's plate, Hazel eyes followed it. And they didn't left the plate until I set it in front of her. At this moment, her eyes grew wider and I asked her what was wrong.

"I'm not that hungry..." She whispered, barely inaudible.

"Well, since few days you don't eat a lot sweetheart and I don't want your body to be weak so please, try to eat some bites. We can help you if you want."

But she shook her head no.

"Here." I said picking some food with her fork and taking it to her mouth.

"No !" She yelled.

"Hazel what's happening with you ?!" Mina demanded, a part of her kind of angry because of Hazel's attitude and a part very worried of why our girl didn't want to eat.

"I don't want your help ! Please leave me alone." And with that she stood up and left the room. I was shocked, and my wife too. We never saw our daughter like that, except when she was under alcohol or drugs and we were scared she started consuming again.

"Is she drunk ? High ?" Mina questioned looking at me, not knowing what to do.

"No, I don't think so. When I arrived she was asleep, and it seemed like she was sleeping since a long time so from the moment we left until I arrived, I don't think she had the chance to buy things and sleep like few hours. Perhaps we should be able to smell it, alcohol, or weed. Don't you think ?" I asked back and Mina just shrugged. I looked at her sadly and when we were finish with dinner and the dishes, I came to look for Hazel but she was again, already sleeping.

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