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TW : Panic Attack

Mina's POV :

Delia and I exchanged a terrified glance and I stood up, following her upstairs. We entered Hazel's bedroom but she was nowhere to be seen.

"Hazel ! HAZEL !!" We screamed in unison.

Suddenly, I heard a faint sob coming from behind her bed. I turned around it and discovered my poor baby crying and hyperventilating, sat in a ball on the floor. My wife and I ran to her and Delia crouched in front of her as I could only stand because of my back.

"Hey hey hey baby girl what's happening ?!" Cordelia asked trying not to show how panicked she was. She tried to take Hazel's hands in hers but our daughter was shaking too much.

"Sweetie everything's okay, breathe love, breathe with me you're gonna be fine."

Delia put her hand on Hazel's chest in order to feel her heart and make her calm down but she wasn't having any of it, so I thought of something else. I asked my wife to carry Hazel to her bed and I sat at the edge of it.

"Hazel it's mom Mina, listen to me. We're gonna play a game, alright ? I know you love games."

My poor baby had still her eyes shut closed and she was hyperventilating and shaking even more but I continued.

"Let's start. Can you tell me how many paintings you have on your desk ?"

"Thr-three..." She murmured trembling.

"Good guess lovely. Now can you remind me the name you gave to this teddy bear ?" I asked pointing to one of her stuffed animal.

"Be- berry"

"Oh yes Berry the bear !"

At this point Hazel's breathing was far less heavy. I asked her some more questions until she completely opened her eyes to look at us.

"There you are sweet pie." Delia said kissing the top of her head and sitting next to me.

"How are you feeling now ? What happened ?" I demanded.

Hazel took few deep breathes. "I- I had a nightmare."

I turned to see Cordelia's sad face and I looked again at my girl. "Can you tell us about what it was ?"

She nodded and looked down. "I was he- here... On my bed and- and I was feeling ver- very dizzy until I decided to take some medication to help but it- it was never enough and I had a b- big headache which was worst and worst and I kept swallowing p- pills until I felt myself fall on- on a big whole and you- you were both trying to save me but I was falling and I never touched the ground I just kept falling and falling and falling !"

"Oh honey..." Delia and I both said and we hugged Hazel who was now crying.

"It's okay, you're a bit shocked from what happened last week but now we're here."

"And we'll always protect you, we'll always be here for our sweet princess." I finished.

"You promise ?" Hazel sniffled.

"Of course, we promise. We will always protect you, no matter what. You're the most precious treasure in the world Hazel."

She giggled a bit as we kept hugging each other, and at this moment I realized how lucky I was to have such a beautiful family, even if sometime it was difficult, together we could do whatever we wanted.

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