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TW : Eating-Disorder


Mina's POV :

"I'm fine." Answered Hazel to my wife, but I knew it wasn't true. Her whole face was pale, except for her eyes and her cheeks which were very red.

She sat down and just looked at us.

"You're not gonna finish your meal ?" I asked her.

"Oh no, you can have it if you want." She replied casually.

"It wasn't why I was asking sweetie. I don't want it thanks. But you... you barely ate half of it so I was wondering if you were going to keep eating." I explained.

She suddenly went more pale than ever, as if it was even possible. She looked really distressed.

"Come on baby. Try the french fries, they made them like you love them." I encouraged, knowing she was hiding something and it was hard for her to eat. Although, I didn't want to bring this subject now. It was Delia's birthday, and Hazel already managed to eat some bites of her burger so it was good.

"Keep eating sweet girl." I whispered to my daughter and saw her trembling her picking her fork and taking a bit of food with it. "Good girl." I praised.

She weakly, very weakly smiled at me and brought the food to her mouth. I was happy and relieved, so I started speaking again with my wife, now including my girl as well.

"We were wondering where we should go on vacation this year Hazel. Do you have any ideas ?"

"I- maybe Disneyland ?" She replied, very unsure of herself, but I again, brushed it off, trying to enjoy our family evening.

"That's a very good idea. I'm sure you don't even remember the last time you went to Disneyland." Said my wife, and Hazel only shrugged.

"I'm just concerned about the plane ticket, they're getting very expensive." I turned to Delia.

"Yes but I saw some offers, if you take the plane ticket with the hotel reservation it's less expensive. It really worth the shot I think." She replied.

We kept talking for few minutes until Hazel suddenly stood up and looked at her panicked.

"Is everything okay love ?" Delia asked her, as I was frowning, not understanding what was happening to her.

"I- I need to use the toilet. Excuse me." She whimpered, barely audible. My wife and I exchanged a concerned look.

"She's not acting like herself." Delia stated.

"No, she's not." I agreed. "We need to check on her." I completed, slowly standing up with the help of my cane. But my lover stopped me.

"I'm going. Stay here, you already took care of everything tonight." She said gently, helping me sitting down again. I blew her a kiss as she was making her way to the bathroom.

I finished my plate as I had a very bad feeling in my guts.

Delia's POV :

I walked fast to the bathroom, sensing something was wrong. Very wrong.

The toilets were situated next to the kitchen so before I entered, I saw Alice, and she came to me.

"Is everything okay ? I saw your daughter running to the restroom twice and you look anxious. If there is something wrong with your dinner you can-"

I cut her off. "No, no there is nothing wrong with the food or the restaurant. You're very nice, thank you for caring. I- we're just worried for our daughter. I don't know what's happening to her lately and..." Tears were threatening to fall from my eyes and I suddenly was on the edge of a breakdown. "It's my birthday you know, I- I want this day to be a good day, I want to enjoy it w- with my family but my girl she- she doesn't act like she's o- okay and she has b- been through so much already... I- I'm sorry. This is not your job. It's not your job to check on this side of your customers." I apologized, now feeling ashamed of mu sudden reaction. Alice's face softened and she took my hands in hers.

"I'm sorry to hear all of that. But don't apologize. Why don't you go drink a glass of water and take a breathe while I check on your daughter ?" She nicely suggested and I nodded in response.

"Okay, there." She said, handing me some water from the bar. She then opened the bathroom's door and entering it. Less than five minutes later she came out of it, looking shaken up.

"What is it ? What is happening ?" I said shaking, making my way to the restroom.

"I... You..." She turned to one of her colleague. "Call an ambulance."

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