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TW : Weed

Hazel's POV :

When I arrived at home, moms asked me why I was late. But I had already thought of an excuse.

"I stayed with my friends because we had to work together on a group project !" I said very convincingly, and they believed me

The next day, mom Mina couldn't drive me to school so I took the bus and I was surprise to see that Alexander and his friends were taking the bus every morning. We arrived early at school and while we were waiting for our first lesson, the group started smoking. Obviously weed. Alexander asked me if I wanted some and I agreed because I wanted my inspiration back, and the classes of the day were very boring. I smoked an entire joint by myself and I was very very high, but feeling very very good.

I tried not to be late at my first class and I succeeded but I was so high that I couldn't concentrate.

"Hazel, can you focus on the lesson please ?" The teacher asked me sternly.

"Oh uh, I'm sorry yes I'll focus. Sorry."

I tried but I couldn't. I was feeling so great in my own thoughts so I put my head in my arms and I laid on the table until the end of the class. The teacher didn't seem very happy but she didn't say anything so I just walked to my next class.

At lunch, I smoked again with Alexander and his friends, who were becoming my friends too. In fact they were so much nicer that I was thinking and our talks were very profound, probably because of the weed. I didn't had the time to smoke after school because mom Mina came to pick me up, but Alex gripped my arm because I left.

"Here, take that Haz." He said putting a small bag in my hand and closing my fingers on it.

"Uh thanks ?" I said unsure of was it was but I hadn't the time to ask him because mom Mina beeped.

"I'm coming !" I screamed to her, running to the car.

I opened the door and sat. She was smiling at me with a small light in her eyes.

"Who was it ? Luke ?" She demanded winking.

"Uh no, it's Alex, Alexander. Another friend." I responded embarrassed.

"A friend ? Just a friend ?"

"Mom, please just drive." I answered annoyed. I could see her smile on me during the whole ride. And she was kind of right, Alex and I were becoming very close to each other and I was actually thinking of him and me, together, as a couple. But I was not sure if he had the same feelings towards me.

Once we reached the house, I stepped on the shower and then we ate dinner. But I couldn't wait to come back to my room, in order to find out what was the little plastic back Alex gave me.

"You're not very talkative tonight baby girl. Is everything okay ?" Mom Delia asked me.

"Yes, I'm fine don't worry. I'm just a bit tired."

"Do you need help on your homework or something ?" She continued.

"No, I'm fine. I have great grades !"

"I know that honey, and we're very proud of you." Mom said kissing the top of my head.

"No go to bed sweetheart, you have school tomorrow and you're already tired."

"Good night mommy." I said kissing mom Mina. "Sleep tight." They responded as I was hugging mom Delia.

I walked to my room and locked the door behind me. Thanks god I could do that because when I discovered what was inside the bag, I was shocked. It was weed, and all the things you need to make a joint. I thought 'Alex is crazy !'. No way I could smoke that at home.

I jumped into my bed and tried to sleep because a was in fact a bit tired, but I couldn't bring myself to fall asleep. My brain kept rummaging the images of the weed I had hiding in a drawer in my desk.

So I decided to give it a try. It couldn't be that difficult to roll a joint.

I tried for few minutes until I gave up. I was a looking at a tutorial on my phone when I received a message from an unknown number.

'Hi Haz, did u use what I gave u already ?'

It was Alex.

'No I didn't. Idk how to roll it.' I pressed send.

'I can facetime u and show u' He responded.

I thought for a minute but I really wanted to try it so I said yes. Immediately I received a call from him. His face appeared on my phone screen.

"Hey Haz !"

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