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TW : Bullying

Hazel's POV :

"What are we doing here ? Isn't it Luke's house ?" I questioned.

"Yes it is." Stated Alex, while putting his hand on my back to make me approach the group. "We're here because we want to make him learn a lesson. He's a bad boy and he needs to understand it."

"But Luke is my friend..." I said looking down.

"Not anymore Haz. And you have to chose, it's either him or us. So ?"

I turned to look at Luke's house and then at the group. "I chose you." I said almost none hesitant.

"Very good, now it's time to have fun !" Alex shouted and the all took a paint spray. They started to paint on his house's walls, then on the door and even on his parents car. They were writing mean stuff and drawing horrible things that I can't even explain Alex came close to me and gave me a spray. "Your turn." He murmured in my ear. I took a deep breathe and started writing with the paint, but I quickly stopped.

"I don't know what to write."

"Write that he's a fag and he'll become a whore like his mother !" Screamed one of the boy.

I felt bad to do it, but I needed to be included in the group so I wrote what the guy told me. Suddenly, the light of one of the room turned on.

"Shit SHIT SHIT ! Guys we need to leave NOW !" A girl yelled and we all ran away before someone stepped out of the house.

I followed Alex who was holding my hand. We kept running until we stopped in front of another house.

"Welcome !" Alex cheered.

"Is it your house ?" I asked and he nodded.

We entered the place and it was huge. On the backyard you could find a big pool and a jacuzzi. We all sat around the pool, on the patio.

"Gabe, do you have what I asked you to bring ?"

Gabe nodded and took of his bag few small bags of white powder.

"Olive, can you go to the kitchen to grab the bottles ?" And the girl did as she was told.

Everyone was waiting for Alex to say something and after a moment of silence, he talked. "Go ahead guys, the party can start." He smiled and turned on some rap musics. The others opened the bottles and started to pour the liquid into some glasses, and I understood it was alcohol. Few of them started sniffing the powder, so I asked Alex what it was.

"It's cocaine, my favorite. Give it a try I swear it's worth it." He said bringing me closer to the drug, while I was remembering that it was the drug my mom's bosses used.

"I can't, I'm sorry. Not now."

He nodded and poured me a glass of vodka. "Here you go."

I smelled the liquid and I set the glass down. "Come on Haz don't be a pussy !" A girl yelled from the jacuzzi. Alex took the glass and brought it to my mouth like he did with the joint. He gave me a reassuring smile so I trusted him and I drank. It was so disgusting but I couldn't show that to the group so I pretended I liked it. "Great !" I said wincing.

We spent the night drinking and smoking but I kept refusing the cocaine. Alex's friends, and now I guess mine too, left the party to come back at their houses. Alex asked me if I wanted to sleep at his house.

"In fact, yes. My moms don't know that I'm here so I think I shouldn't come home now." He simply smiled and showed me his bedroom.

"Are we gonna sleep together ? You have plenty of guests room." I asked raising my eyebrows.

"Yes but where is the fun if we don't sleep together ? It's the same if you're coming home." He fake pouted so I accepted. I wanted to put my pajamas on but I suddenly noticed that I've had forget them at home.

"Is everything okay Haz ?" Alex demanded from the other side of the bathroom's door.

"Yes, I just- I forgot my pajamas." I stated embarrassed.

"I don't sleep with any pajamas." He replied. I didn't understand what that meant until he opened the bathroom's door, and I discovered him only in his boxer.

"Don't be ashamed it's okay, I have sisters I know what look like a girl in underwear. And perhaps, it's the same as when you're in swimsuits."

I didn't know what else to do so I just nodded and followed him to his room. We laid next to each other on his bed, but he stood up and came back with something. As it was very dark in the room, I didn't see what it was, but I smelled it. It was the cocaine.

"Now that we're together, what about you try it ?" He said really close to me, and I don't know why but I accepted.

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