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TW : Mention of Eating-Disorder, Fainting


Cordelia's POV :

I was happy to come back home because today was my birthday and I wanted to spend it with my family. I was walking as fast as I could to my car because I couldn't wait to see my beautiful wife and my adorable daughter. But just when I reached my car, I felt a hand on my back and when I turned around, I was faced with my very pale little girl. I had no time to speak when she just fell into my embrace. She was limp in my arms so I slowly made my way down to the ground, and I heard Mina's car door closing.

"Hazel ? Hazel my sweet baby can you open your eyes for mommy ?"

Just when Mina joined us, Hazel started regaining consciousness.

"Hi firefly." I said smiling to hide my concern.

"M- mom ?" Asked Hazel.

"You passed out sweetie." I stated, and Hazel frown.

"I think I- I stood up too fast."

"But what are you both doing here ?" I demanded, raising my gaze to my wife who was standing above us.

"Tell her." Mina said, looking at Hazel with a blink.

"It's a surprise. For your birthday." Hazel spoke clearly as she seemed to start feeling better, but just in case I chose to let her rest on my lap for few more seconds.

"A surprise ?" I asked. "And what is it ?"

"You'll see." Mina blinked to me this time. We helped our daughter on her feet and I sat her on the passenger sit of my car.

"How are you feeling honey ?"

"I'm better. I just stood up too fast I told you." She answered with a bit of an attitude, but I chose to brush it off. I didn't want to put up a fight on my birthday, when we were supposed to have a great family time.

"Okay, I believe you. But promise me to tell me if you feel lightheaded again."

Hazel nodded. I helped her walk to my wife's car and sat behind with my little girl as Mina was driving.

"I really don't like surprises, you know that." I sighed, looking through the window. "It stresses me." I added.

"Oh but trust me, you'll love this one." Mina responded, looking at me through the rear-view mirror. She then glanced at our daughter who was peacefully asleep on my shoulder.

"She's very pale."

"I know right ? I'm worried Mina."

"Me too. I want tonight to be a test. If she eats all her plate as she used to do there, I'll be a bit reassured. But if she can't, I'll call the doctor because something's wrong with her and food."

"I agree. But wait, so we're eating outside ?" I smirked.

"Shit !" Mina whisper-yelled before putting her hand over her mouth. "I was so strict with Hazel about not telling you about it and it's me who broke the surprise !"

"It doesn't matter babe, I recognize the road anyway."

"Well, there we are." Mina said parking in front of my favorite restaurant. "Surprise !"

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