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TW : Disordered-eating, Force (kind of violence idk how to explain)

Hazel's POV :

The days after I left the hospital were so hard. Moms were taking very good care of me but I knew they were so scared something would happen. It was difficult for me to eat, sleep, drink, and even take a shower. I spent like three days sleeping with them, they were taking turn. I didn't eat or drink anything during those days but mom Delia had enough. She wanted me to get better but I wasn't able to do that, even for her.

She entered the room with a new tray of food, because I never ate the others.

"Hi sweetie." She said, opening the curtains. Mom Mina yawned as she was sleeping next to me, but I was no longer tired so I was just staring at the ceiling, waiting for something to happen. Mom Delia put the tray in front of me while mom Mina tried to lean me against the headboard.

"I made avocado toasts, I know you love them." She slightly smiled, but I didn't even look at her. It's been days I haven't talk with anyone.

"Please my love, please take at least one bite, you must be exhausted." She begged me as I stayed still.

"Hazel we don't want to feed you by force so please help us and eat something." Mom Mina completed. I just stared at nothing and mom Mina cut a piece of toast and brought it to my mouth, which remained closed.

"Come on sweetie, just open your mouth for me."

I shook my head but she waited.

"You can do it, come on Hazel." She said more sternly but still sweetly.

As I was motionless, mom Delia sat to my side and tried to open my mouth with her fingers but I just pushed her away.

"Baby you really need to nourish your body, it's so weak right now. Just a toast, the littlest one."

I shook again my head and both of my moms sighed. They exchanged a look and I knew it wouldn't be good for me.

"I'm sorry sweetheart but we have to do it the hard way now." Stated mom Delia, straddling my waist. She restrained my arms and I couldn't move so I protested.

"No mom ! Let me alone I don't want to please !!"

Mina's POV :

Hazel cries were heartbreaking but we had to make her eat. We knew she hated hospitals so we didn't want to bring her back, but it was the last option if we couldn't make her eat at home.

"We don't want to do that honey, I swear it hurts us just as much as it hurts you. Please one little effort for us. Can you do that ?"

"Nooo let go of me pleeeaase !" She screamed and fought Cordelia but my wife was stronger so she was able to maintain her.

I took a deep breathe because it really was painful to see my daughter like that, even more when I knew it was my fault, but it was for her health. I pinched her nose so she was obliged to open her mouth to breathe. Once she did it, I quickly put the food inside. I then put my hand under her chin to make her close her mouth, still pinching her nose. In this position, she couldn't spit out the food, she had to swallow, and she did so. Tears flew down my cheeks as I turned to Delia.

"Why are we doing this..." I murmured.

"For her Mina, we're doing that for her." She answered crying.

I was able to put four bites of toasts in Hazel mouth until she started struggling very hard against me and my wife. She had regained a bit of strength and she was trying to get away.

"Okay okay, no more baby girl. No more." Cordelia said as she released our daughter and put the tray away. Hazel was still crying but she wasn't fighting anymore.

"We're so sorry we had to do that Hazel but it was the only way to make you eat without getting you admitted in hospital."

She didn't look at us and just kept crying. I thought I didn't want to make her suffer another time later so we needed to do every difficult thing now. I took the decision to make her take a bath.

Cordelia stayed with her as I started the bath and put some bubbles, a little light and candles to make it look more pleasurable.

I made a sign to Delia and she carried Hazel and put her on the bath.

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