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TW : Yelling, Drowning,

Cordelia's POV :

Once Hazel was sitting in the bathtub, she put her legs against her chest and laid her head on her knees. Mina and I exchanged a painful look, we hated hurting our baby girl but we had to take care of her even if that meant doing things she didn't want to do.

I crouched next to her and Mina sat behind the bathtub on the toilet, where she was able to reach Hazel without hurting her back. I started to stroke Hazel's hair and whispered shushing things to her ears.

"You're okay my sweet dove, you're fine. Mom and I are going to take care of you. Let us take care of you." I helped her lay her legs and she rested her head on the edge of the bathtub. Mina started washing her hair avoiding to wet her face as I was putting soap all over her body.

"Does it feel good ?"

Hazel nodded and it was the first since a long time that she kind of answered me.

"Do you feel a little bit better ?"

"Yes." She whispered, closing her eyes and relaxing. Mina finished washing her hair and I rinsed her body. We unplugged the plug and Hazel shivered. I tried to tug her out of the bathtub but she struggled.

"Do you want to keep relaxing here ?" I asked her, and she simply nodded so I refilled the bathtub with clean water and I left her to wash her pajamas and take a new one. Mina stayed with her to keep an eye on her until the phone rang.

Mina's POV :

I painfully stood up and walked to my phone. When I answered it, it was my stupid bosses, asking when I was coming back to work.

"Listen, I have some serious family issues so I'll take the time I need before starting back working for you." I stated firmly, but it was not enough for them.

"Yes I need my salary, I have to pay the bills and take care of my family, you can't take that off of me !"

"Miss Venable without you here we can't manage the society."

"Maybe if you weren't all day everyday on drugs it could be easier." I ironically giggled.

"Come ooon Mina-"

"Do not call me Mina ! Okay here what we're going to do. I'll come back as soon as I can but I'll start working from home starting next week. How does that sound ?"

"Well... Okay. You have a lot to catch up here, the girl from last-" I hang up.

I sighed, very annoyed of them and I slowly made my way back to the bathroom, where I could no longer see my daughter in the bathtub, her head wasn't resting anymore on the edge on the bathtub. I ran to it and discovered her pale body at the bottom of the water. I immediately took her motionless body in my arms and tried to lift her but I couldn't because of my back. All I could do was maintaining her head out of the water and waiting for my wife to come.

"Cordelia ! CORDELIA !!" I screamed on the top of my lungs.

I heard her run upstairs and appeared in the bathroom. She approached me quickly and saw Hazel.

"OH GOD ! What happened ?!" She asked me in panic.

"Help me get her out of the bath." I tried to stay calm.

Cordelia carried our baby girl out of the bathtub and let her on the floor. I took a towel and wrapped it around her.

"Is she breathing ?" I asked and Delia checked for her pulse.

"No I... She- she must have water in her lungs. Step back I'm gonna do CPR." Cordelia said trying her best to stay calm.

My wife took a deep breathe and crouched next to Hazel. She started massaging her as I was internally praying for her to wake up. Suddenly she started coughing water and I sat her up to help her breathing as Mina was stroking her back.

"Come on sweetheart breathe ! Keep breathing, good girl." I praised Hazel.

She stopped coughing but it seemed like breathing was still a bit hard for her, and she started sobbing. Mina and I both took her in our arms and hugged her as tight as we could.

"You're okay baby, you're just fine."

Cordelia's POV :

And after few minutes Hazel eventually fell asleep in our embrace and I carried her to her bedroom and laid her on her bed. I didn't close the door in case something would happen and I made my way downstairs.

Mina was sitting at the counter in the kitchen drinking a hot tea. She raised her eyes when I cleared my throat.

"How is she ?" She asked.

"Still sleeping." I sighed. "Mina what happened ? Why weren't you with her ?"

"I was next door, in the bedroom Delia, I didn't know she would try to drown herself."

"Darling, I'm not mad at you but you know how fragile she is. I just don't understand why you didn't keep an eye on her." I sighed again and my wife raised her eyebrows.

"Listen Cordelia, if I could have imagine what would've happened, I would have stayed with her the whole time. I know I messed up okay ? But she is fine now."

"We don't know that ! She's asleep but we don't know how she'll wake up !!" I nearly yelled.

"Oh come on ! Don't be so dramatic !"

"DRAMATIC ? You say that I'm dramatic ?! She tried to kill herself once !! Is it not enough for you ?!?" This time, I screamed.

"HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT !!" Mina shouted in response.

"YOU DON'T SEEM TO REALIZE THAT-" And suddenly I was cut by a heartbreaking cry from upstairs.

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