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TW : Drugs, Alcohol, Suicide

Hazel's POV :

Alex looked at me for few seconds before handing me his pills and his bottle, which I knew wasn't water. I took few sips of alcohol and two pills to make my mind at ease and then I sat at the bus stop, waiting to come home.

"You're not staying with us Haz ?" Alex asked me.

"I'm tired." I answered. "I'm coming home."

"Alright." He replied without trying to help me. But I wanted to be alone right now so I was happy with it.

On the bus, I was staring at the window, feeling more and more unwell. It stopped a few streets before home so I walked out of it to the house. My vision was blurry but I didn't know if it was because of the pills and alcohol or because of the tears that were streaming down my face since I stepped out of the bus. I entered my house but obviously, my moms were working so they weren't here. I went to my bedroom and closed my door, before letting my body fall on my bed. Thoughts were spiraling on my head.

'You're so stupid, the most idiot person in the world. You worth nothing. You deserve nothing. No one like you, Alex doesn't really care about you, your moms are so mad at you they won't never love you anymore. You have no one left. Your place on the planet is a waste. You deserve to die. You-deserve-to-die.'

I was crying my eyes out and sobbing when I grabbed my bag and the bottle of pills Alex gave me. I took a bottle of whisky I've had hiding under my bed and I drank it all, with all of the pills. Three pills for a sip. And again. And again. And again until the bottle was empty and there was no pill left. I felt tired, dizzy and dehydrated but I couldn't move so I just stayed like that, on my bed, waiting to fall asleep. Into a deep deep sleep.

Cordelia's POV :

I was at work when my phone rang. I picked it up and saw it was the school. I was already angry at Hazel and I knew she would be again in trouble so I sighed and answered.

"Cordelia Goode."

"Hi Miss Goode, I'm sorry to bother you, again... but you're daughter Hazel Goode Venable is again missing."

"I think you can check behind the school. It's the spot she usually use with her friends to smoke or skip classes."

"We already went there and she wasn't with them. And one of her old friend, a certain Luke said that he saw her waiting at a bus stop. Maybe she came back to your house ?" They lady suggested.

I paused for a moment to think.

"Well, I'm gonna call my wife to see if Hazel texted her or something. Thank you though." I hang up.

Something felt wrong, really wrong. I called Mina, who was as worried as I was.

"So you say she may be at home ? But we're not sure of that ?"

"I don't know darling. But I think we must check, I feel like something's wrong but I don't know what." I replied shakily.

I drove to the house as Mina was doing the same. We arrived at the same time and she went to unlock the door but it was already open. We exchanged a relieved look and walked in.

"She's not there." Mina stated in the kitchen as I was checking the living room.

"Not there either." I said. "I'm gonna take a look upstairs."

I walked up the stairs and stopped at Hazel's room. I knocked but had no response. "Hazel can I come in ?" Still no answer so I decided to open the door, and I was met with a sleeping Hazel.

I ran down the stairs. "She's just peacefully sleeping Mina." I felt relieved but Mina was angry.

"So she just skips class to sleep ?! She's gonna hear me I swear." She walked upstairs.

"Please don't be harsh on her babe..." I followed Mina to Hazel's bedroom, and she stopped at the end of her bed. I rested on the door frame.

"Hazel. Wake up." She said sternly, but Hazel didn't move. "Hazel, wake up !" She repeated louder this time. I came closer to my daughter frowning. "Hazel ?" I asked stroking her cheek with my hand, and I was shocked at how cold she was. I started shaking her a little. "Hazel ! Hazel come on wake up !!"

Mina turned to the other side of the bed and shoot something with her foot. She crouched in pain and stood again with an empty bottle of pills in her right hand, and dropped her cane to catch an empty bottle of alcohol.

My face turned to a panicked expression as I shook violently Hazel. "Honey wake up please !! Hazel !!!"

"Cordelia step back." Mina instructs and I did so. She put her fingers on Hazel's neck to check her pulse.

"It's weak but she's breathing Delia. Call an ambulance. Now." She said firmly but I could see tears in her eyes. I put my hand against my mouth in shock. Hazel tried to kill herself, and we didn't notice anything.

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