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TW : Abuse, Rape, Violence


Hazel's POV :

"So as I said, my moms are not my birth parents. I was raised for few years by a woman and a man who were... Not so nice with me."

Ellie was listening carefully.

"I was the first child of the woman and because of me, because of when she was pregnant with me and the delivery that was a disaster, she couldn't have another child. She had some problems I don't really understand but basically, because of me she couldn't have another baby."

I took a deep breathe and mom Mina spoke before I could continue.

"No sweetie, that's not true. It was not because of you. Medical complications happen all the time and it's no one fault. They shouldn't have hurt you because of that."

She was ready to keep going but Ellie looked at her and shook her head.

"Hazel is the one who has to do the talking. Your reaction is the best, and is very significant, but she has to do the talking, try not to interrupt her."

Mom Mina nodded and did something I never thought she would do to someone telling her to shut up, she apologized.

"It's okay miss Venable." Replied Ellie with a little smile. "Do you feel like continuing ?" She then asked me and I also nodded.

"So since I was born, my parents- well no, my birth parents were always mad at me for that. Especially because my dad wanted a boy with who he could play soccer, watch TV and do boys things."

I saw that mom Mina was ready to step in again, but she stopped herself knowing it was my story to tell. I still turned to her and said "I know boys things don't exist and girls can play soccer as well, but my da- the man didn't believe in that."

"I know my baby girl." Sighed mom Mina and I resumed.

"So they were so angry that they... They..."

"Take a deep breathe sweet dove." Ordered mom Delia and I did so.

"They hurt me. They were constantly hitting me with- with their hands but sometimes with objects too. But I couldn't tell anyone be- because I never left the house. They didn't want me to go outside, so they locked the doors, especially when they were leaving." At this point, the hardest part was coming so few tears were making their way down my cheeks. Moms took a hold of my hands and squeezed them very tightly.

"I was in a lot of p- pain. I was injured a lot but they didn't care. My mo- the woman was sometimes nice to me but the man would always hit her as well when she was nice. He said I- I didn't deserve it and then he- he would hit me harder and sometimes I would end up passing out because of how hard he punched me." I let out few sobs and mom Delia wiped her face as well. I knew it was so hard for them to hear this story again, so I turned to her.

"I'm so- sorry mom. Don't feel bad please."

"Oh my little love. I'm okay, I just hate knowing that people hurt you because you're such a sweet soul. But don't mind me, don't mind my tears, the most important thing is you and your feelings. You're the one who had been through all of that." She said holding my face in her hands before pulling me in her lap and holding me like I was going to disappear at any moment. I kept sobbing, but kept talking.

"B- but the hardest thing w- was when the man w- would... he would... t- tou- touch me where I didn't want h- him to t- touch me and he wou- would ra- rape me and..." I couldn't continue. It was too much. If I kept talking I would end up having a panic attack, or worst, a flashback. So I just hid my head in mom Delia's neck while mom Mina drew circles on my back to soothe me.

"If there is something to add, you can now step in." Ellie said to my moms.

"When Hazel was six, she was found dehydrated, malnourished and with a lot of broken bones in the basement of her genitors house. The man had people come over to pay him for raping her so he could buy drugs and alcohol. The neighbors started to get worried when the noticed a lot of men entering the house all day everyday, an investigation was opened and they discovered Hazel at this time. She was put in the system but was in need for urgent care so my wife and I decided to adopt her as soon as we heard about this case. Now she is our little girl and-"

"No more !" I cried in mom Delia's chest. "No more mom please." I sobbed, begging my other mom to stop telling those horrible things from my past. Even if I was so little when it happened, I could never forget all the pain and the shame I felt. It was etched into my memory and graved in my heart and in my skin at some precise spots.

"No more sweet girl, no more." Soothed mom Delia.

"No more pain, no more tears, no more shouts, no more of all these bad things love. It's all over now, all over. You're safe with your moms, you're safe with us. Mom Delia and mom Mina are here for you, no matter what. We'll love you forever, no matter what. And above all, we'll never hurt you. I promise."

"We promise." Whispered mom Delia while mom Mina was kissing my forehead multiple times.

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