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TW : Weed

Hazel's POV :

I didn't see the group of smockers for few days because they were on a school trip. During this week, everything was good. I had good grades, I was participating a lot in class and I had so many friends around me. People were totally understanding my situation and teachers and students were helping me every time I needed it.

I spent a great week-end with my moms, we went camping next to a river, we fished and we even built a wooden hut. I was very happy, and on Monday, I came back to class. Luke was missing because he had the flu but otherwise, the morning went very well. At lunch, I looked for my friends but I didn't find them, so I sat by myself until a girl sat next to me, followed by her friends. I immediately recognized the group of last time, with who I smocked weed.

"Hey Hazel, we missed you at the school trip !"

"How was it ?" I asked to have a conversation with them, even if I kept in mind what mom Mina told me, not to stay with druggies.

"It was a lot of fun." One of the boy responded. It was the one who helped me recover after I took my first breathe on the joint the previous week. He told me all about their trip and at the end of lunch, we all went outside to enjoy the warm weather.

They started rolling weed so I became anxious. I couldn't be as weak as last week and accept the drug, but at the same time, I didn't want to look like a nerd and refuse it, so I waited. And obviously, this same guy asked me if I wanted to smoke.

"I- no thanks I'm okay." I answered.

"Come on, last time wasn't that bad right ?" Still the same boy, Alexander, said.

"In fact it was... good. I liked the effects after. I had so much inspiration when I was drawing. But I don't know if that's good..." I looked down.

"It can't hurt you Haz, did you know that some people takes weed like a medication ? To help them recover or to stop the pain ?"

"Really ?" I raised my eyes.

"Yes, so here, take it." He handed me a joint.

I sighed anxiously but I took it, and after closing my eyes, I smoked.

"See ? You didn't even cough like last time !"

I giggled because he was right. The rest of the group were chatting ans Alexander and I were getting closer by sharing the weed. Suddenly, the bell rang so we all took our bags and ran in our classes. As soon as I stood up, everything started spinning around me. It was a bit scary but to be honest, it was very cool. I made my way to my classroom were all the students were already sat.

"Miss Goode Venable, you're late." The teacher stated.

"I'm sorry sir, I- I was outside I didn't... Well I was..."

"If you can't explain the reason why you're late, you get a detention."

"I'm sorry I- I didn't hear the bell be-because I was... I was... In the restroom !" I lied smiling awkwardly.

"The bell rings everywhere in the school. Even in the restroom. Detention tonight Hazel Goode Venable."

I sighed and sat at the back of the classroom. I was very ashamed and even more scared for my moms to know that I got a detention on my second week at school. I crossed my fingers that they didn't call one of them, so I could make up an excuse, otherwise the would be so mad at me.

During the whole lesson, I just stared at the window, because everything seemed so much more beautiful than usually. The colors were brighter, the sun was prettier, the flowers smelled better... The teacher was annoyed with my behavior but as I already had a detention, he couldn't really do more.

At the end of the day, I went to the library for my detention and I draw. But I didn't have ideas of what to draw, because the weed's effects had left my body and my brain, and without them, I was different.

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