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TW : Eating-Disorder


Hazel's POV :

I felt mom Delia shaking me a little.

"Wake up sunshine." She whispered close to my face before kissing my nose. "We arrived."

I opened my eyes and recognized the restaurant. I sat up straight and looked in my mom's eyes.

"Surprise !" I said, opening my arms to hug her. "You didn't guess we were coming here, right ?" I asked her now looking at mom Mina who had opened the car door and was waiting for us to step out.

"No sweetheart, I had absolutely no idea we were going to eat there." She replied, blinking at mom Mina who shared her grin.

"Now our reservation is waiting ! Let's go." My other mom stated and helped me out of the car. She stopped me from walking to the front door of the restaurant and looked at me seriously.

"Baby, be honest with me, how do you feel ?"

"I'm okay. A bit tired but I'm so happy to be here !" I lied. Truly, I was so scared because I knew at some point I would have to eat in front of my mothers to prove them I was okay. But in fact I wasn't.

I followed mom Mina inside the restaurant, holding mom Delia's hand in mine. Mom Mina talked to the waitress who led us to a beautiful table next to the window. It was the quietest spot of the place so I felt very comfortable. I knew mom Mina had chose personally this table.

"Hi, my name's Alice and I'll be your waitress tonight. Do you want to drink something ?" Questioned the waitress as she handed each one of us the menu.

"Champagne, please."

"Oh Mina, you don't have to." Mom Delia blushed and my other mom leaned over to kiss her.

"Ewwww." I made a face of disgust to hide my light embarrassment. Alice, the waitress laughed slightly and asked me what I wanted to drink, as she saw I was clearly underage and couldn't drink alcohol.

"Just water for me p- please." I answered, struggling a bit because I've always been scared to talk to stranger.

"You don't want something else Hazel ? It's your mom's birthday it's a big day, you can take anything you want." Mom Mina said, putting her hand on top of mine, noticing I was getting fidgety.

"Anything you want but no alcohol." Added strictly mom Delia like a warning.

"N- no. Just water. P- please." I repeated. Alice nodded and left. My moms were casually talking as I was reading the menu. There was so many choice but I couldn't eat most of them because I was so scared of the calories. Previously, my favorite dish was their burger. The sauce was so tasty and the steak always well cooked. But god, I really couldn't today. Alice came back and I still hadn't chosen what I was going to take.

"Are you ready to order ?" She asked nicely.

Mom Delia took her usual dish, her favorite, the pumpkin pasta and mom Mina decided to follow her on her choice.

"And you ?" Demanded Alice, turning towards me.


"The burger please. With the french fries, but make them really fried." Mom Mina said for me, smiling at both the waitress and I. Alice was coming back to the kitchen when I stopped her.

"Wait !" Everyone looked at me. "I think I w- want the... The s- salad.." I stuttered.

"But baby, the burger is your favorite thing ! You take it every time !" Mom Delia said as surprised as my other mom.

I didn't know what to do. My moms were starting to notice my bad habits with food, and with my social anxiety, I felt like my lips were sewn together and I couldn't reply and chose for myself. So I only nodded.

"That's what I was thinking." Murmured mom Mina before looking at Alice. "The burger for the young girl. Please."

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