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 TW : Talk of suicide, pills and alcohol,

Cordelia's POV :

We spent days at the hospital as Hazel wasn't waking up. They kept her under sedative until they thought she was strong enough to live again. They just stopped the sedative and waited.

I was sleeping next to her on a couch as she slowly started moving her hand. At first I thought I dreamed it but I heard a low groan and I immediately stood up.

"Hazel ? It's me it's mom I'm here. You can open your eyes baby girl."

"Mmmmmh." Was all she was able to say and I called a doctor.

"I think she's awake, she tries to speak but she can't open her eyes." I said to him.

He approached my daughter and opened her eyelids with his fingers, in order to check her pupils with a small light. "Her pupils are responsive." He stated and he took his other hand. "Hazel if you hear me can you squeeze my hand ?"

I saw her slightly squeeze it and I sighed in relief.

"You can call your wife, she's awake." He smiled.

I immediately called Mina.

"Babe, she's awake ! She can hear us she's back !!" I screamed on the phone and Mina immediately came back from the cafeteria.

"Oh god." She ran to Hazel and hug her tight.

"M- mom..." Hazel murmured.

"Yes honey we're here sweetie, right here. Can you open your eyes for us please ?"

Hazel tried hard and finally opened her eyes. She frowned because of the bright light but after some time, she adjusted to it.

"How are you feeling sweet love ?" I asked her.

"I- feel s- sore..." She said with a dry throat.

"Does anything hurt ?" Mina demanded and she nodded.

"Ev- everything hu- hurts mom." And I noticed few tears dripping from her red eyes.

"Oh my love." I hugged her and sat on the edge of her bed when a new doctor appeared.

"Hi, I'm a psychiatrist, I'm here to talk to Hazel."

"Oh uh, hello. Do you want us to leave ?" I asked and she shook her head.

"Alright. Hazel, can you remember what happened ? Do you know why you're at the hospital ?" She demanded.

"I- I think I t- took some p- pills and I- I drank a bit- bit too much." She replied quietly.

"That's right. Can you tell us why you did that ?"

Hazel looked down and I squeezed her hand.

"I felt really bad I- I thought my moms were so mad at- at me and they would never love me again."

"Oh baby no... How could you think something like that ? We'll always love you !" Mina retorted hugging our daughter as I was kissing her forehead.

"But you were so- so angry." She whispered.

"We love you Hazel, even when we're mad. In fact we're mad because we love you. When we see you damaging your health by smocking or drinking we're mad because we care. When you leave the house without telling us we're made because we're scared and worried. We cared so much for you, that's why sometimes we're angry, because we just want the best for our baby."

"Really ?" She asked tears in her eyes.

"Really." Mina answered, stroking her cheeks and swiping the tears.

Hazel spent few other days at the hospital and when she was stable, we came home. I had clean the house and especially Hazel's bedroom in order to hide everything that could remind her of her attempt. As we helped her laying in her bed, she started shaking.

"What is it sweetheart ?" I asked her worried.

"I don't want to sleep here, I don't want to be alone in my bed please." She said shakily.

"Okay okay calm down. Do you want to sleep with us ? In our bed ?"

"Yes please."

I nodded and brought Hazel to our bedroom. She was fast asleep between me and my wife and we cuddles for hours to make sure she was comfortable. We didn't want to leave her for one second, we were so scared.

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