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440 9 0

💌 third person

She was in a mini black dress layered with a black oversized leather jacket and some thigh high boots. Her hair was long, curly with blonde highlights

Name Isabella but people that knew her called her bells or issa

On her third drink of the night, kinda tipsy but she didn't care. She just wanted to have fun this evening

In a bar with random strangers she didn't even know, all alone after getting dumped by her boyfriend of three years

Drowning herself in liquor, easing the pain as the sweet taste of Hennessy touched her tongue down to her throat

In the corner of her eye she spotted him, sitting down a few seats away from her

She turned her head, analyzed him for a few seconds. He was quite attractive, tall, dark curly long hair, nice outfit even though you could barely see anyone because of how dimmed the lights were

" hey, can I get another round? Thank you ", he turned his shoulder as he heard a very attractive voice to his right side

There she was, beautiful yet mysterious which somewhat attracted him

He'd never seen her around LA, must be new in town ? He had a good glance at her, what she was wearing, the way her hair looked all he wanted to see was her face

" can I get you guys anything to drink ? ", another bartender spoke out to him and his friends

He lost focus of her and started to order his drink. A Mexican mule a classic drink every time he goes out with the boys

At first they both ignored each other, she went on her phone for a few minutes gossiping in a group chat with all her girlfriends, while he was chatting it up with his boys

Every minute he would turn his head to look at her quickly before she even noticed him. He didn't know why he kept on looking at this random girl, maybe he just really wanted to see what she looked like

She felt his eyes on her body, slowly turning her head making direct eye contact with each other. He smiled as his eyes traced her beautiful face

She looked so elegant and sweet, how soft her lips looked so pink and plump. He licked his lips a little as he began to stare

Looking at her up and down, she didn't want to make the first interaction. One thing about Isabella is she's not a chaser she attracts

She gave him a little smile as she turned her attention back onto her phone. Leaving him quite confused as to why she didn't introduce herself to him

After the bartender gave the boy his drink, he moved seats a bit closer to her to see if she noticed and she definitely did

" you're ignoring me? That's cute .. well I'm Jonah I'm just curious as to why you're sitting alone ", he asked in a polite way

The girl smiled as she continued to be on her phone. He giggled in a awkward surprise way, usually girls don't ignore him but he liked it

He found it quite attractive how she wasn't interested in him. There was one trick that works to get a girls attention

He scooted his seat closer to hers, gently placing his index finger and thumb against her chin making her turn her head towards him

" what's your name? ", the way his voice sounded raspy and slightly deep turned her on. He didn't look away not once so desperately but still not making it obvious wanting to know her name

As they both didn't break eye contact introducing themselves, his friends were behind him wondering ' how did this dude already end up talking to a girl ? '

" i'm not interested in whatever you want, I just got broken up with. So if you can leave me alone before I throw this drink in your face I would appreciate it ", Isabella said turning her head back to her phone

She wasn't looking for love, or anything dealing with a guy at the moment. All she wanted to do was enjoy her time alone with some alcohol

The boy chuckled, as he began to stir his drink with the black skinny straw in his cup. Leaning his head towards her ear

" I'm sorry whoever broke up with you, I just thought you were really pretty. You have a safe night Isabella ", getting up out of his bar stool to go sit with his friends

He loved how hard to get she was, but he knew he had to respect some random girl he just met. Don't want to scare her off

" she's cute what's her name ? ", Daniel the middle oldest to youngest member in the group spoke out as he made a quick glance at the girl

" Isabella...", he said as he looked back at the girl. Hoping she would look back she didn't, not once after that incident

Something about this girl already had this man hooked, maybe it was the fact that she was no where near interested in him or how sexy she looked in that dress

As he continued to talk with his boys about her and some music stuff. She started to get up from the bar stool she was sitting on, walking her way down to the bathroom

" I'll be right back ", Jonah said as his eyes followed the girl. With her phone against her ear, the sound of her voice she seemed frustrated

Entering the woman's bathroom, the boy leaned his body against the wall where the bathroom door was. Waiting for her to get out, he didn't know why he got attached so easily to this girl all he knew was she wasn't doing ok

A few minutes went by , she grunted as she walked out the bathroom. Seeing tears drip down her rosy cheeks, " are you ok? " he asked politely

She shook her head as she wiped her tears with her index finger. " my boyfriend, well ex boyfriend now um.. I just hate break ups ", he stayed leaning his body against the wall listening to her horrible relationship

" well do you have a ride home? I can take you I don't mind ", he was very sweet and kind to her which she appreciated. At first she thought he was a total creep just wanting to get in bed with her

Guess she was wrong

First part how are we feeling??

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