009 sᴏᴀᴋɪɴɢ ᴡᴇᴛ

173 3 0

💌 third person

" hey Siri , play the beach by giveon " as she was taking off her clothes to get in the shower. The girl couldn't get her ex out of her head, seeing him the other night she felt off

It was weird not getting to go home with him after her girls night out with some friends

No matter how badly he treated Isabella she will always love him

He was her first true love, her first everything and to all go to waste makes Isabella feel miserable

Like she put her entire heart into this guy and for what

To just cry every night because he would talk to other girls

Get so embarrassed every time he would yell at her in front of her friends or family

He wasn't a good guy but that's what she loved the most about him

On the outside he was a complete asshole to her but on the inside he was a total sweetheart

There were times he would treat her like a queen, how she deserves to be getting treated

Most times he would say things to her, manipulate her into thinking he's not talking to other girls but he was

Lying to her, calling her delusional because she would see text messages of these girls on his phone

Isabella never saw her ex boyfriend being this horrible guy, in her eyes he was this perfect guy for her

Now not being with him 24/7, she sees how bad of a person he truly was and feels horrible for putting herself through that

As she hops in the shower feeling the hot steamy water hit her skin. It was calming which is what she needed after what happened the other night with her ex boyfriend

She closed her eyes letting the water run down her face, as she breaths in and out

Isabella soon started to cry from the overwhelming feeling of feeling unworthy and like she was never good enough for anyone

The way he treated her so badly, she couldn't help but cry. Not from the heartbreak but from how much she had to suffer

After getting out the shower, she wrapped her towel around her body to change the song of her playlist she was listening to

She noticed she had gotten a missed FaceTime call from someone

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" hello? Why am i talking to a ceiling ", he asked the girl laughed as she started to dry her body and put lotion on

" probably because I just got out the shower and I'm naked marais ", the boy's eyes widen realizing he was probably bugging her while she spends time to herself

" I apologize for blowing up your phone, I wanted to see if I can come over "

She thought to herself for a second, deciding if she should let him come over for a little sexual encounter

" mm no I'm not in the mood right now marais. I'm actually really sad.....I'm sorry ", the girl said as tears fell down her cheeks

" don't apologize, it's okay. Can I ask why you're sad?? ", he asked politely not wanting her to feel overwhelmed as she already was

Isabella explained to Jonah why she was sad, she put on a cute pajama set to at least feel some what better

Wearing a baby pink tank top and matching shorts with cute fuzzy socks

" I just feel so shitty, it's not fair for him to feel happy with how our relationship ended. He should be the one feeling like this not me ", Jonah continued to listen to Isabella rant about why she's so sad

He felt awful the way she was feeling and seeing her cry. It was hard for him to see her this way but this didn't meant that she was gonna feel this way forever

He just had to continue with keeping her company and helping her overcome this heartbreak

After a long conversation that was much needed, Jonah had to hang up the phone for some " important business "

Leaving the girl alone with her thoughts, but to keep her occupied she started to watch one of her favorite shows to distract her from her sadness

As she cuddled up with her white soft over throw blanket sitting against her couch. She had gotten a knock at her door

She wasn't expecting anyone which was weird as to why someone was knocking at her apartment door

With her hands covering her face, seeing him with some pretty flowers and delicious food knowing she was probably hungry

" why'd you do this? ", she said as she wrapped her arms around his waist. " I didn't like how you were sad and seeing you cry. I don't know I just didn't like seeing you that way "

Isabella made a pouty face, she's never experienced this before with a guy

" thank you, you don't understand how much I appreciate this ", she said as her head rests on his chest as her arms were wrapped around his waist

He set her flowers and her food down, on the kitchen counter. Wrapping his arms around her, one hand resting on behind her head and the other on her back

" your hair is still soaking wet love "

" I'm soaking wet ", he laughed letting the girl go after hearing her inappropriate comment

He's so sweet 🥺

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