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145 3 0

💌 third period

" first night of our isa being single! Let's make tonight a fucking good night! ", her friend Tatiana said as the girls held up their shot glasses of alcohol

Cheers to the single life and all about having fun. Not letting a man control what you do or what to wear

Having a good fucking time with her girlfriends in a club filled with random strangers she barely knows but Isabella was still having a good time

" I forgot to tell you guys, I met someone after Sam broke up with me. At this bar, this random guy just started talking to me and he is so fine ", the girl grabbed her shoulder black purse that was sitting on their table. Reaching for her phone inside to show her friends this guy she met a few nights ago

 Reaching for her phone inside to show her friends this guy she met a few nights ago

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Their eyes widen from how cute this guy actually was

" did you fuck him? Did you have rebound sex? ", tati blurted out in her ear. They couldn't really hear from all the loud club music

She nodded her head with a little smirk on her face " Isabella you can't just have sex with a complete stranger ! You're gonna get pregnant! ", Natalie ( the strict mom of the group ) spoke to the girl as she was giving her bestie a lecture of you shouldn't have sex with a guy you just met at a bar

Isabella laughed as did tati " nat I'm sorry but I already had sex with him and it was so good ", Natalie made a disturbing face at Isabella. She's very overprotective of isa and she knows how hard Isabella falls for a guy so she just doesn't want her friend to get hurt again

" let the girl have fun nat. She's single now it's not like they're gonna fall in love ", tati said as she wrapped her arm around Natalie

Isabella got closer to nat, kissed her cheek for the fun of it. " you can't be mad at me for having fun. He's a nice guy I promise and plus I don't see myself dating for a very long time ", tati and nat looked at each other knowing Isabella is for sure gonna fall in love with this guy

" you're lucky i love you ", the girls hugged it out

Starting the night off with a couple of alcoholic beverages as they danced to bad bunny songs

Whoever the dj was they knew three spicy Latinas were coming out tonight

Playing all the songs these girls loved to dance and sway their hips to

Feeling free with her girlfriends, not having to worry about her significant other or trusting anyone just letting go and having fun

" y'all I have to pee really fucking bad! ", tati blurted out as she grabbed hands with nat. The three girls locked hands heading straight to the bathroom

Walking passed a crowd of mostly guys, as they were walking to the bathroom Isabella made eye contact as she walked passed this guy that looked really familiar

He looked a lot like her ex boyfriend, but she didn't really have time to actually tell if it was him or not

Inside the bathroom, there wasn't really anyone so it was a perfect time to tell her friends the chisme

" either I'm really fucked up right now or I swear I just saw Sam ", nat looked at her with such shock

" are you sure? It's really dark out there maybe it was a random guy ", nat said trying not to freak Isabella out

She shrug her shoulders as she started to look in the mirror checking her makeup and fixing her hair

" I really hope it wasn't him, that piece of shit was horrible to me and you two know that ", her friend nodded her head agreeing with isa

Her relationship with her ex of three years wasn't all sunshine and rainbows. It wasn't like the movies no matter how hard she wished it was. There were lots of arguments and endless crying and screaming at each other for god knows what

He was very abusive verbally and her friends and family saw how badly she was getting treated

Isabella being Isabella, falling deeply in love with him for whatever reason couldn't see the red flags that he was doing during their relationship

He finally ended it by saying " he lost interest in her " but in reality he was really cheating on her with another girl

" if it is him just show him what he's missing. You look hot , you look good now let's go out there and show him you're doing good without him ", tati said as she grabbed Isabella's hand leading her to the dance floor

As the girls walked back to their table, Isabella needed another drink so she ordered another bottle of alcohol for their table to take more shots

Distracting herself with alcohol, she noticed he was walking towards her table. Isabella didn't know what to do

" hi, can we talk? ", he said to her she completely ignored him as one of the servers brought a bottle to their table

" Isabella I'm sorry, I'm sorry about what happened between us. ", he continued to say these excuses to her begging for forgiveness but Isabella wasn't gonna listen to his lies

" leave me alone. I don't want to see you ", was the last words she said before he understood what she had said to him respecting her space

But that didn't mean he wasn't gonna stop trying to get her back

Love single isa

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