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91 5 0

💌 third person

The car ride home was silent, no words were said between her or him

It wasn't because she was mad at the fact her ex boyfriend was making her completely uncomfortable at the party

It was what happened after that, as the two unexclusive couple were walking out the party her ex had said inappropriate words towards Isabella behind her back

Jonah didn't stick up for her nor go back to say something to her ex

Calling her dirty names as they both walked away from him. She felt violated, angry, embarrassed

The elevator ride up to her apartment was even more awkward. Standing on opposite's sides, Jonah didn't know if he should say something or not say anything because of her being so upset

He wondered if he did something wrong at the party or if he said something he wasn't supposed to say

He didn't like how she wasn't near him, not looking at him, talking it was just silence

As she was unlocking her apartment door he stood behind her wanting to wrap his arms around her and never let go

Isabella walked inside he just stood there in the hallway. Turning her back towards the door as her eyes met his

" you're not coming inside? ", she asked

" I would love to but you seem upset with me and I just can't figure out why ", she sighed softly as the girl began to rest her head against the door

The boy got a bit closer, leaning his body against the door way. " I'm upset..

She took a deep breath trying to keep her cool, but the thought of her ex completely violating her and embarrassing her just got her blood boiling

" I've just never been with a guy so patient before and with him he was always so aggressively protective of me and what I would do. If I didn't stick to his words he would... he just wasn't a good guy and hearing him say those horrible words about me and you not saying anything just didn't feel right to me. If it was the other way around I would 100% stuck up for you "

Hearing the words he said about her




Took Isabella back to when she was with her ex boyfriend and those triggering words coming out of his mouth and not being able to stop him

" I didn't say anything because that's what he would've wanted. He wanted me to react , he wanted me to do something about him calling you those names. My main priority was to get you out not because of that asshole because I saw the way you looked at me whenever I walked inside. It was a look for help, a look I hope to never see again. "

Seeing the terrifying look in her eyes and the uncomfortableness of her face, Jonah had never seen Isabella so scared in her life

" I want you to feel safe ... always wether that's with me or not with me. You're my main priority now nothing else matters ", the boy spoke softly as his eyes stayed on hers and his hands cupping her face

" if you're still mad at me then i apologize for not beating your ex boyfriends ass ", the girl smiled as she let out a little giggle

" next time.. ", she said the boy grinned as he gently kissed the girl's forehead. " I'll be nice but if he touches you again he's not gonna like me ", the boy started messing around with the girl showing where he would punch her ex if they ever fought

Lifting her up as he closed her apartment door walking inside. " body slam that bitch! He's done for ", the girl hysterically laughed as he walked over to her bedroom

Gently laying her body on her bed, as his eyes glazed over her precious smile. " can we talk about you calling me baby. I was like geeking on the inside obviously ", the boy laughed as his hand rested on the outer part of her thigh

" I apologize once again I needed to find a way for him to know that you're seeing someone ", the girl made a suspicious face which made Jonah quite confused

" I'm seeing someone ? Who? Because someone hasn't asked me out yet and I've been patiently waiting ", hinting at the boy that she's been wanting to go on a date with him

" I haven't asked you out yet because you were still not over him and I didn't want to feel like a rebound. I wanted you to fully be okay with getting into a new relationship "

It was hard for the boy seeing her go through a heartbreak but being there for her whenever she needed someone to cry on or rant about. Jonah was there

He was always there

" plus I want me asking you out for the first time to be romantic. You deserve to get asked out in a romantic way "

He needs to ask her out already!!!

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