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156 3 0

💌 third person

" why are you watching me marais ? Shouldn't you be at home ", the girl says as she was doing her makeup getting ready to head out with some friends

The boy just laughed and continued to watch her do her makeup. It was actually pretty entertaining to see her do her makeup

" you invited me over and I'm assuming for a little action ", he spoke as he got a bit closer to her. Isabella smiled and just continued to do her makeup

The boy leaned his head closer to hers giving her a deep stare. She turned her head looking into his eyes " I invited you over so you can meet my friends marais not so we can do the nasty ", he smiled as he bit his lip softly

" I could've dressed nicer if I would've known I was meeting your friends ", as he looked down at what he was wearing. Just a green hoodie and some baggy jeans with a beanie

" you look cute marais. You don't have to change ", his eyes widen from Isabella calling him cute

" you think.. I'm cute ", he smirked just joking with the girl

She made a disgusting face which made him laugh, Isabella did think he was cute but she wasn't gonna admit it to Jonah

" what do you think I should wear? ", she asked as she started to walk over to her closet. He followed her into her closet, directly behind her

" nothing.. you look better naked ", as his hand began to move her curly hair behind her shoulder revealing her bare neck

His lips started to become attached to her skin, giving the girl tiny neck kisses

Isabella smiled as she felt his lips against her neck, how amazing this feeling felt but her friends were coming over in a few minutes

" marais.. we can't do this right now ", she moved her head the opposite direction so he would stop kissing her

The boy stopped, respectfully letting go of her waist. Taking a few steps back, " once I meet your friends you owe me "

Isabella laughed and patted his chest, agreeing with him. " help me pick an outfit marais! ", he bit his lip softly as he walked passed her to her sweatshirts

" well it gets cold at night and I'm guessing you would like to wear something comfortable so we're gonna go with these ", he said as he chose a sweatshirt for her to wear

She took off her tank top that she had on, revealing her black Lacey bra. He cleared his throat as he watched her attractively put on the sweatshirt he picked out

Man was she fine, the thoughts going through Jonah's head were insane but he respected her space

" for pants mm.. these ones, these are cool " he handed her a pair of baggy denim jeans

She started to take off her sweats that she had on, throwing them to the boy teasing him. He laughed as he set them on the ground, his eyes looking directly at her matching black Lacey cheeky underwear

" you are.. making this really hard for me. I hope you know that ", he said as he licked his lips just wanting to lay her on the bed and do things to her only Isabella and Jonah know

She smiled as she turned around slowly bringing her jeans up to her thighs. The boy kept his composure but deep down he just really wanted to put his hands on her

Show her how good he can make her feel, " that was mean. How dare you do that to me " Isabella laughed as she came closer to him patting his chest

" you'll live marais ", the way he looked at her so hungry for her. Craving her body, he couldn't control what he was thinking

She knew what she was doing and she loved it. Isabella loved how he was watching her, and he didn't do anything but keep his eyes on her

" shoes ? ", he asked trying to get his mind off of her body. She pointed to the direction where all her shoes were, sitting on shelf's very nice and organized

He chose a good pair of new balances 550 that matched her sweater well, " you have tiny feet bells " Jonah pointed out as he was putting on her shoes for her

" shut up! ", the boy laughed as he stood up " it's not my fault you're a complete giant ", she blurted out Jonah smiled as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders

Bringing her close into his chest, " what time are your friends coming over? " she sighed knowing exactly what he wants to do

" they should be arriving any minute marais, keep it in your pants please " he smiled as he leaned in for a kiss he made a gross face realizing his lips were sticky from the lip gloss she was wearing

She laughed " awh you don't like lipgloss marais ", he shook his head wanting to kiss her some more just with no lipgloss

As he kissed her on last time, they heard her doorbell ring

" they're here "

I really want these two to date they're so cute 🥺

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