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💌 third person

To the boy who changed her perspective on love

Caring for a person so much to the point where it almost feels like a dream just being with him

It took a good minute to even think about dating for one reason only

And that is being fully committed to another person after being in a abusive relationship for the past 3 years of her life

Healing from that past she was so used to being in

So used to not being treated how she's supposed to be treated

Used to the arguments every night

Crying over and over about how horrible she looked , the bruises on her body, the scratches and scars he gave her

The realization of not ever leaving stuck with her

When will he ever stop putting his hands on her ?

Making her scream for help when nobody couldn't

Living a nightmare each day

Until she decided enough was enough, her first love will always be special but it was time to let go

To the boy who saved her life

Waited until she was ready for a new relationship

A new friendship

Showing Isabella what real love is and proving to her no matter what it takes if he gets rejected or not

Jonah will always be there for her


Today was a special day a big moment in Isabella and Jonah's life

Being the romantic boy that Jonah is and wanting to ask Isabella out on a date the proper way

He wanted to make sure the girl got a romantic sweet proposal into asking her out for the first time

She deserves this more than anyone

It was a long night for the girl, after getting off set completely exhausted. Just wanting to shut her eyes and relax, but she didn't get what she wanted

Arriving to the front entrance of her front door, after stepping out of the elevator. Dragging her feet onto the ground from how tired the girl was

Rose pedals she stepped on as she was fixing to unlock her door. A little grin came upon her mouth knowing exactly who laid rose pedals on her doormat

Opening her door to see her apartment filled with roses and candles lit leading to her bedroom

Her hands covering her mouth with such shock as she walks inside. To her bedroom she walked to see rose pedals on her bed, with a hand written letter and her laptop completely opened with a video ready to be played

Isabella just couldn't wrap her head around what was happening right now

First she read the letter from Jonah to her

To the girl who changed my life for the better. The past 6 months getting to know you, becoming friends, sharing each other's passions and the things we love with one another has been the most fulfilling 6 months of my entire existence. You are everything I could possibly imagine in a friend , a partner, my hiking, coffee, Harry Potter buddy. Thank you for being in my life and all the amazing memories we've shared together. I would of never thought I could fall for someone so kind, beautiful, silly, talented and all around precious. You complete me, get ready for the next couple of months and hopefully years of being spoiled with love that you deserve. You're stuck with me wether you like it or not, I hope you know that you are and will always be loved and protected by me. Forever yours - Jonah

Tears began to fall down her cheeks, how thoughtful and precious his soul could be

Words couldn't express how Isabella felt, no one's ever done anything like this for her

A hand written note , rose pedals surrounding her home. It felt like a dream to her

Now to the video that was on her laptop, clicking play as she watched the boy so adorably explain the next step

Arriving up to the rooftop in her apartment complex, following the rose pedals leading to him holding her favorite flowers with the cutest smile on his face

Walking up to the boy she was fully speechless, " I have to ask you something and before you answer I just wanted to say if you say no I'll be ok I'll just have to wait a little bit longer which is totally fine"

" Isabella rose Ferreira , will you go out with me? "

The look in her eyes said it all, with her head slightly tilted. The biggest happiest smile she's ever had

Is this really happening? Is Jonah marais really asking Isabella out on a date for the first time??

" yes! I would love to go out with you Jonah ", the boy smiled as he handed her her flowers. The two couldn't stop smiling from how overwhelming happy they were

Sharing the rest of the night together as one with a romantic setting, cuddling and conversating over their upcoming relationship

I'm so happy for isa and Jonah 🥹

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