013 ʟᴏᴠᴇʀʙᴏʏ

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💌 third person

" look who finally showed up ", his good friend Brian spoke as the boy walked in holding Isabella's hand

" sorry i had to feed this one or else I wouldn't be alive ", he said as he pointed to the girl who had an innocent smile on her face

His friend walked up to him giving him a bro hug as they side talked about the girl he brought in the studio

Whispering in the boys ear but making it obvious they're talking about Isabella. His friends finally meeting the girl he hasn't stop blabbering his mouth about

" you must be Isabella, Jonah talks about you a lot ", Brian spoke out to the girl as he held out his hand introducing himself to Jonah's lady friend " I hope it's good things "

He nodded his head with a little smirk, " only good things he will not stop talking about how sweet and loving you are. Oh I wish I can see her but she's working-

" okay! Maybe we should work on some music now ", the boy blurted out so the two would stop talking and embarrassing him in front of Isabella

Walking over in the sound booth, putting on a pair of black headphones to hear the music of one of his songs he was working on

" B playback the song we were working on ", the girl sat down on a red leather couch against the wall. Watching the boy make music in his true element was something that amazed Isabella

Hearing him sing for the first time, seeing his eyes light up every time he would hear back whatever line he sang

Isabella never seen this side of Jonah before, but she liked it

Seeing him this way

" let me hear the chorus again ", he says as he held the headphones close to his ear

Hearing the lyrics he wrote , very romantically worded Isabella couldn't even fathom how incredibly talented this boy is

His voice the way he sings, she was mesmerized by him

" you sound great Jo, Isabella what do you think? " Brian asked

" he sounds beautiful ", she looked at him with a proud grin and a soft gaze. A look she's never given him before which made him a bit nervous

After a few takes of a song he was working on with a friend and many many playbacks. The boy stepped out of the sound booth to hear the final production

" i like this one. I like how you can hear how passionate you are about this specific person and the lyrics are very relatable as well ", the boy smiled as he nodded his head

Hearing the feedback his friend gave about the song is a good feeling

The boy looked back at the girl who was watching the boys talk. " i love the song. Your voice blends very well I've never heard you sing before so I'm honestly impressed by how talented you are marais ", the boy smiled as he looked back at Brian

Little did she know this song was about her, " he's a true lover boy at heart. If only you knew who this song was about " Brian said as he patted Jonah's back

This girl a inspirational person towards the boy. Her company, her smile, the way he makes her laugh, how she looks at Jonah

Something so magical about this girl than all the other girls he's met in his past

She's different

She's special

I would love to date a musician

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