017 ғɪʀsᴛ ᴅᴀᴛᴇ

75 5 0

💌 third person

Tonight is a special night
Their first official date
She was excited He was nervous
The boy just hopes for tonight to go as planned and as perfect as possible because
It's what she deserves

The boy wore a black loose fit button up with a pair of cream dress pants. His hair freshly cut for his lovely lady, just a little short nothing too crazy

As he was fixing to head out the door he gave himself a little pep talk before he left. Jonah was a bit nervous being this date he's been on since a long long time

Isabella just being near him makes him get the butterflies so he has his reasons

Driving to her apartment he got a phone call from his dad.

I know you're busy with everything that's going on I just wanted to call you and tell you I'm happy for you son. Genuinely, the pictures you sent me and mom about her she seems really sweet and we're very proud and happy that you found someone that truly sees how amazing you are. I hope you guys have a great evening together, the family's still waiting to meet her

Thanks pops I really needed that actually. I would've never believed I could meet someone like her. Isabella's special she's special to me and when I'm with her all my anxiousness goes away. All the things I'm going through when I'm with her she makes me feel safe and I would've never thought I could feel that way with a person

I'm glad she makes you feel that way son. Love is a beautiful experience and it's something I wished for all my kids to experience that love you share with your significant other

She's incredible, you guys are gonna love her

Meanwhile at Isabella's she was very excited about going on a date with her handsome boy

Jamming out to her going out playlist while she finishes her makeup.

The girl was wearing a brown fitted dress that went all the way down to her shins, an open back revealing some skin but not too much

Her hair was up in a bun, with a help from her friends picking out her date night outfit. The girl was very excited for her eventful evening with the boy

It was very scary at first letting him into her life and trusting this person after getting out of a relationship

Isabella loves how sweet this boy is, never in a million years would she bump into a guy at a random bar so suddenly

It was fate and these two are destined to be together

After she was ready the boy showed up right on time. Hearing a knock on her front door, the girl with an excitement of a smile on her face as she walked to her door

To see him looking handsome as ever, the two couldn't take their eyes off of each other.

" it looks so good in person! You're so handsome marais ", the girl said as she took a good glance at the boys new haircut and his outfit

The boy with open arms as he walked towards the girl with the biggest smile on his face, hearing Isabella say that she loves his new haircut made him love his hair even more

Wrapping his arms around her neck as he proudly looks her in the eyes. Analyzing her facial features, she looked incredible

" I like the makeup it's cute ", he blurted out to her as his eyes traced her entire face seeing how beautiful she looks up close

" thank you thank you, I wanted to go for a more eyeliner look since I don't really wear eyeliner. Plus I think it makes my outfit look ten times better ", the girl said as she backed up so Jonah can see her full outfit

" you're so beautiful ", the boy says as he admires his beautiful girl

Isabella smiled as she walked up to him with open arms. As her fingers ran up to his hair resting her hands against his cheeks staring happily in each other's eyes

" how are you so handsome? ", she asked the boy

He smiled as he unexpectedly planted a gentle kiss onto her lips. Leaving both with a cheesy smile

Heading to their destination the two lovers were enjoying themselves singing along to love songs. Kissing underneath the red stop light, being happily in love with each other

Arriving to their destination, hand in hand the two were walking in the restaurant. Since it was really nice outside the two decided to eat outdoors, looking out the amazing view of Malibu beach

Sitting side by side, as they waited for their food to arrive. Conversations began about their relationship, how it was destined for them to meet, to fall in love, to become friends

Who would've thought a girl like her so afraid to let another guy into her life fall for someone as kind and loving as Jonah marais

Enjoying a nice glass of wine together, delicious food, amazing view of the ocean

" god you're perfect! ", the boy said as he was taking pictures of his lady on his phone. She covered the camera with her hand as she leaned forward towards his body

Her lips attached to his so gentle and soft the kiss was. He smiled as his hands cupped her face continuously kissing her back, soon his lips attached to her cheek then down to her neck

" marais we can't do this in public. Besides I didn't get dessert yet ", the girl says as she backed up from him

" oh don't worry you'll get dessert when we get home ", he blurted out as he placed a gentle kiss on the girls hand

The look he had given her , seems as if Jonah wasn't thinking about the same exact dessert that Isabella was thinking of

The girl giggled covering her face with her hands from blushing too much

" I can't take you anywhere! ", he laughed as he leaned back into his chair

These two are so cute together! I love them 💗

Also isa I don't think Jonah was talking about actual dessert 🤪😏

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