012 sʜᴏᴡᴇʀ sᴇx

188 3 0

💌 third person

" you don't wanna come with me?? ", the boy asked as the two were cuddled up on his bed this morning chatting it up before the boy had to head out for a studio session with a few of his friends

Isabella wasn't sure if she should go to the studio with Jonah. They're just starting to get to know each other and meeting his friends is quite intimidating for her

" if you don't wanna come with me it's fine we can just hangout later ", he suggested figuring sensing her body language and how quite she was it seemed like Isabella didn't wanna go

" i do wanna go I'm just afraid of meeting your friends or whoever is gonna be there ", the girl said as she sat up from his bed " meeting a guy's friend group can be very intimidating for a girl "

He sat up placing a comforting kiss on her shoulder " trust me my friends are not intimidating they're crackheads. You have nothing to worry about ", he had started to get out of bed to go make himself a cup of coffee

She followed his lead but first had to put on one of his shirts on for some coverage. Figuring she's not quite comfortable walking around a guy's apartment naked

" you're an addict ", Isabella said as she watched him make his morning coffee. The boy smiled knowing that the girl doesn't really drink coffee as much as he does

" you're just jealous I can drink coffee and my stomach wouldn't hurt after ", commenting over her being lactose intolerant

The girl held up her middle finger as she let out a chuckle. " leave my stomach problems alone you giant ", he giggled from that horrible comeback

" you're just a small human there's nothing wrong with that. It just makes you more adorable ", he noted now joking around with her height

The girl made a serious face she hates being called small. The boy got cheesy and giddy after seeing her reaction to him technically calling her small

He reached for her, by grabbing her waist. Pulling her close to his chest her eyes completely locked into his

Nothing was said between them all there was, eye contact just them and smiles

After many sips of coffee and kisses it was time to start the day even though he would rather much likely be kissing this girl than being productive

Following him into his bathroom, the boy turned on his shower and waited for the water to get hot

" you should take a shower with me, by the way I'm not asking I'm demanding ... respectfully ", the boy said as he walked up to the girl who was on her phone scrolling through social media

She smiled as she set her phone down to pay attention to him

" you just wanna have sex with me again ", he made a surprised reaction to her response. Acting like that wasn't the reason he wanted to shower with her but in reality it was

" pshh nooo... I promise I won't touch you ", he looked her in the eyes with his pinky finger held up. She giggled by how ridiculous he looked about to pinky promise each other

The two got in the steamy hot shower, completely naked. Both so close yet he promised not to touch her

He dumped his head near the water, the front of his body facing her direction. Running his hands through his long brown curly locks, while the girl just watches how attractive he looked completely soaked

As he slowly opened his eyes after soaking his hair in water, he noticed the girl watching him bathe himself

" yes? ", the girl laughed as she continued to watch him. " you are just too attractive marais ", he smiled as he began to put shampoo in his hair

He stepped to the side so she can get in the water. His eyes couldn't get off of her body, how the water ran down her breasts to her stomach down to her legs

He loved seeing her naked , something about this woman's body and how beautiful her body actually is. Jonah every time he would see her perfect little body he would be so mesmerized

" you're so beautiful ", he blurted out as he caught himself staring at her wetting her hair / body

She smiled as she continued to shower, the boy smiled as he leaned his head forward placing his lips against her neck

Wrapping her arms around his neck so he wouldn't move. Isabella didn't want him to stop the feeling of his lips against her skin always gets to her

He unfortunately had to stop to wash off the shampoo that was in his hair. As he was washing the shampoo off she continued to shower washing her body with a loofa

Biting his lip as he watched her for a second, the boy placed his hand on her waist and pulled her close to his body

Placing his lips onto hers as he moved them closer to the water. His hands roaming her body as they began to intensely kiss some more

" touch me ", she begged as she moved his hand down to her pussy. Playing with her clit with his fingers as they continued sticking their tongues down in each other's throats

He wanted more of her, craving her from inside out. Kissing her was nice but that wasn't enough for Jonah

Turning her body around as he places his hand on her back hinting at her to bend over. " try to be quiet ok pretty, I have neighbors " he said as he slips his dick in her slowly feeling every inch of him

Thrusts were slow at first, not wanting her to scream his name just yet but the inappropriate words coming out of her mouth were definitely loud enough to hear

Once he noticed her hands were on the walls of his shower that was when he realized she started to feel him

Thrusting faster hitting her g - spot she moaned like crazy. Feeling him inside of her was a feeling she loved and craved

My god did he feel so damn good in her, the way he would touch her and make her scream his name. Pull her hair gently as she arched her back deeper into him

" fuckk ", creaming on him the boy continued his movement gripping onto her cheeks not wanting to ever stop

She screamed his name placing her shaky hands against his stomach so he could give her a second to catch her breath

Pulling out of her, the boy turned her around smashing his lips against hers. Pinning her body against the wall as his arms lift her up and her legs wrapped around his waist

Moans left and right

But he didn't care if they were loud

Jonah was enjoying himself

Having sex in a shower

Now that was an experience

A fucking good experience he will never forget

Both soaking wet as they should pleasure each other

What a time

I would bust my ass having sex in the shower

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