011 ᴊᴜsᴛ ғʀɪᴇɴᴅs

148 3 0

💌 third person

" where's the guy you've been fucking! ", tati spoke as she ran through Isabella's front door excited to meet the guy her friend has been telling her about

The boy was leaning his body near her arm rest of the couch nervously touching his rings that were on his fingers

As Isabella's friends barged into her apartment they completely froze once they saw him

How tall he was

The way he dressed, this guy is really cute and definitely not Isabella's type

" hi I'm single.. I mean I'm single very single ", tati rushed up to the nervous boy shaking his hand. He chuckled as he introduced himself to Isabella's friend

" she's Tatiana but we call her tati, I apologize for her you're like exactly her type of guy ", Natalie said trying not to scare away Isabella's new guy friend

The boy just looked over at Isabella who was laughing and smiling at her friends. Who were clearly already starting to like this guy

" Jonah meet tati and Nata aka Natalie, these are the two girls I unfortunately call best friends ", Isabella said as she walked over to the boy who looked really nervous

He just wants to make a good first impression meeting her friends, sensing that he was nervous didn't help

Girls can smell fear ....

" we've heard many things about you ", Natalie says as they shake hands. He smiled casually looking over at Isabella " I hope good things " the girls nodded their heads

After introducing themselves to each other, everyone hopped in tati's car and drove off to one of the girls favorite sushi spots

In the car, Isabella and Jonah were in the backseat sitting side by side. She noticed how nervous he was by how he kept on messing with his rings on his fingers or even touching his necklace most of the time

She wanted him to feel comfortable so as he was looking out the window listening to tati's music that was on aux, Isabella reached for his hand grabbing one of his rings

" I need more rings, you have cool jewelry ", she worded to him as his entire focus began on her

Taking away his nervousness as they continued to talk just the two of them

" I just go to the melrose trading post, we should all go sometime. They have really cool clothes and even jewelry ", Jonah says including her friends into the conversation

The entire care ride was conversations about clothes and if Jonah liked to go thrifting, things that interested him and sooner Isabella realized they had a lot in common and liked a lot of things that he liked

" thank you jonah ", her friends said as he held the door for the girls walking into the sushi restaurant

" I think my friends like you.. ", Isabella said to the boy as they were walking side by side into the restaurant. He smiled, knowing that he's making a good first impression to Isabella's friends

As everyone sat down at their table, her friends started to investigate more on this Jonah guy making sure he's a good guy for their Isabella

" so Jonah do you like Latinas? Or you just date white girlies ", tati asked the boy as he was taking a sip of his water

" I don't discriminate I'll date whatever race, as long as I vibe with someone and they're respectful of what I do as a career I'll date them for sure ", tati looked over at Isabella leaving Isabella completely embarrassed wondering why are her friends interrogating this guy

" what do you do? Career wise ", Nata asked politely she was the one sitting across from him. " I make music, I'm working on an album right now so hopefully it will be done some time soon "

The girls looked at each other with a excited smile, " a musician! él es un arquero y el es alto " tati spoke in Spanish leaving the boy awkwardly silent hoping the girls aren't talking about them in a bad way

Isabella laughed as she leaned her head onto his shoulder, " Nosotros no estamos saliendo asi que detente " Isabella said back to her friend before she got up to go use the bathroom

As Isabella went off the the bathroom with tati, Nata stayed to keep Jonah company. " she seems happy with you ", Nata blurted out

The boy smiled, that's all he's ever want since the day he met her. For her to be happy and content

" i don't know if she told you about her ex but he was a horrible person. Seeing her so happy with you it makes me and tati happy to know she's gonna be ok ", Jonah smiled at her friend he felt very proud to know her friends approve of him and are happy with his friendship with Isabella

" you like him! Admit it "

" we're just friends and I don't know what you're talking about "

" I see the way you two look at each other it's so obvious you guys like each other "

" he's just a friend we do not have feelings for each other "

" look me in the eyes and tell me you don't think he's cute ", as her friend was washing her hands Isabella leaning against the bathroom counter

She started to smile looking her friend in the eyes " he's a really sweet guy tati, but I don't want to just get into another relationship right away. I want to take my time especially with Jonah, he's very special "

The way she talks about him 🥺
They need to date

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