003 ᴍʏ ᴘʟᴇᴀsᴜʀᴇ

279 6 1

💌 third person

The look he gave her after asking if he could take her dress off of her body was too much to even say no

She nodded her head giving him permission, as he stood up in front of her. He gave her a quick peck on the lips as his hands began to grab the straps on her shoulder blades, bringing them down to the sides of her shoulders

He moved his lips down to her neck once his hands moved her dress slightly below her breasts

The feeling of his lips against her neck left chills down her spine, whatever he was doing he was definitely doing it right

Her dress was down to her hips, he paused to analyze her half naked body. Her breasts were the perfect size, not too big not too small the right size

" what? ", she questioned seeing him stopped taking off her dress she wondered if something was wrong

He bit his lip staring at her breasts, he snapped back from reality.

" you're too perfect ", as he met eyes with her she couldn't help but smile. As sexual as things were getting Jonah had to make an adorable interaction just to see her smile once more

That beautiful smile of hers he will never forget

Cupping her face with his hands as he continues to look in her big brown eyes, " you're perfect " he said to her as he leaned in to kiss her lips

The taste of her lips, he couldn't get over. Every time his lips touch hers it felt like magic, the sticky feeling of her lip gloss, how soft they were. He couldn't get enough of this feeling

Before things got more intimate he continued taking off her dress, his kisses started to slowly touch her breasts, down to her stomach which made her giggle a little from how ticklish she is around her stomach/ torso

Pulling her Dress all the way down to her ankles, now to his knees he was. Licking his lips as he made contact with her black Lacey underwear

" you are such a tease Jonah whatever you're last name is ", the girl said as she looked down at him staring at her panties

He looked up at her and gave her a little smile " it's marais gorgeous ", he began leaving tiny kisses against her thighs

Licking her lips as she started to ran her fingers through his curly locks. He smiled as he continued to kiss her thighs knowing he's got her where he wants her

As he started to stand , he reached underneath her thigh lifting the girl up. She jumped being surprised by him lifting her, he smiled at her in a seductive way

" when do I get to take your clothes off ? ", she questioned he chuckled as he sat her down on her bed

" you won't be doing that, tonight I want you to feel better. Seeing how sad you were at the bar I didn't like that so tonight let me just make you feel good "

She made a pout not really liking that she won't get to see him naked. Or pleasure him as much as he's pleasuring her

" but I want you, I want you to feel good too ", as she began to tug on the waist line of his pants looking up at him seductively

He smiled as he bend over to her level, biting his lip. Smashing his lips onto hers, as the kisses started to get more intense her hands started to take off his oversized denim jacket

The one piece of clothing that was off of Jonah marais tonight

He wanted her to feel good tonight knowing she just got broken up with and is heartbroken. Jonah just wants the girl to forget about her ex and just think about tonight

As she began to scoot back to the headboard of her bed. He followed her, hovering over her body

Kissing her so passionately and slow, slipping in his tongue for fun. She smiled in between kisses, she loved how every kiss made her feel good

Going down to torso, she bit her lip watching him pleasure her. Jonah knows the exact way to make a girl feel good

As he reached to her pantie line, he smirked at her knowing she has no idea what's about to come for her

Little did she know Jonah marais is really good eating a girl out

" stop it marais ! ", she said as he began to laugh licking his lips slowly. Gripping her pantie line with his teeth first, bringing it down to her mid thigh

He stared at it and smiled a little " how pretty ", he spoke hearing that rasp in his voice made her very nervous

Covering her mouth with her hand trying not to blush, he really does know how to make a girl feel good about herself

Gently kissing it, before going down on her he wanted to see how long she would notice him not giving her some action

Kissing the inner part of her thigh, as the other hand began to rub her gently. Feeling how wet she already was made him want her so bad but he wanted her to enjoy herself first

She closed her eyes as her heart slowly started to beat faster wanting more from him

He began to suck the skin from her inner thigh, rubbing her a bit faster. She slightly moaned underneath her breath

He paused to lick his wet sticky fingers, sliding in two fingers she twitched a little. Knowing that she hasn't had sex in a while this feeling was a bit new for her

He groaned feeling how tight she was, her grip onto his fingers he had to make her loose. Moving his two fingers back and forth she leaned her head back as she began to let out these baby moans

Hearing her moan made him harder by the minute, patiently wanting her but he wanted to pleasure her

Calling her 🐱 pretty is crazy Jonah's bold for that one

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