019 ᴅᴏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴡᴀɴɴᴀ ᴄᴏᴍᴇ?

97 3 0

💌 third person

The sun beaming on their skin as they walked to a little cafe in Los Angeles. The grumbling noise coming from her stomach, bursting with hunger

Opening the door for his lady as always, the smell of lovely food hit their noses. It smelled like breakfast croissants and coffee, a delightful smell

The line wasn't too long, usually it isn't but some days the line is all the way to the door. The boy's arm began to wrap around her neck, resting his head on hers despite how sleepy he still was

Spending most of their nights finishing a show on Netflix. Or him being at the studio and her tagging along

Ordering one breakfast burrito, one breakfast croissant, matcha latte and an order of coffee

Since it was a beautiful weather this morning the two decided to sit outside to enjoy their breakfast

" I have so much I need to do today it's insane ", Isabella began to rant on about her schedule for today & tomorrow

- a fitting for her Hulu tv show premiere
- nails & hair done for tv show premiere
- get a car wash
- get caught up on emails/ work stuff

" am I invited to this premiere? ", Jonah asked as he took a sip of his coffee

" do you wanna come to my tv show premiere? ", the boy smiled as he rested his hand behind her head " I would be honored. I just have one question "

" will this mean our relationship is public? I know these paparazzi and interviewers will ask questions about us since I'll be there with you and all. "

The girl began to smile by how adorable the boy was being asking her if their relationship is official

" I just don't want any pressure going public and I've been in a public relationship before which didn't end well. I just want both of us to feel comfortable with this decision "

Feeling his anxiousness through his body language, leg shaking, stuttering a bit throughout sentences

The girl rested her hands on the side of his face to calm his nerves down. " I am ready, I want the world to know the man I fell in love with. If you don't want to I'm totally fine with that "

So gentle her words were towards his heart, how he slowly started to dig his face in her hands showing how comforting this girl makes him feel

A love like no other Isabella was, his past relationships were almost the same but different

It always led to manipulation or finding out that girl had another guy during the relationship. Now being in the most healthiest, healing , happiness, loving relationship he has ever been in. It almost feels unreal

To Isabella his most precious prize possession in the entire world he's afraid of that pressure into being in a relationship and the " what ifs " or " oh this person said this "

The rumors online and what people will think. Overall Jonah is very blessed to have Isabella and share this beauty of love that they have

" ever since I met you I've been waiting what feels like a very long time to shout to this crazy world I'm in love with Isabella Ferreira. You're the most precious thing in my life and I don't want anyone to take that away from me ", the boy spoke as his eyes deeply gazed into hers

Resting his hand on the sides of her cheek, caressing her cheek so softly with his thumb. Every time he would look into her eyes it felt like everything that he has worried about goes away

Those big brown eyes of hers, melt his heart by how adorable those eyes are

" I love you ", the girl spoke out to him. Nothing was said just his lips attached to hers sharing a sweet kiss between one another

I love their love 🥺❤️

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