007 ᴛᴏᴏ ʟᴏᴜᴅ

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💌 third person

Awakening from his slumber, his eyes slowly blinking to the sunlight from her bedroom window. To his left there she was, sleeping so peacefully facing the opposite direction of him

Both completely naked, he began to rub his eyes grunting quietly so he wouldn't wake her

Turning his body towards hers, his fingers began to run down her bare back. So soft and gentle, his lips soon to touch her skin laying gentle kisses on her back

The girl awoke from his touch, she smiled as her eyes began to open the feeling of his lips against her skin is a feeling she will always love

Isabella laid on her back to see him, his adorable smile once his eyes locked on hers. Him kinda hovering over her body like he was last night making love to her

Could barely keep their mouths shut, screaming each others names. Man was it fun, she had an amazing time with him and for the first time in a while he actually had good fucking sex

" hi, sorry if I woke you I just wanted to be close to you ", Jonah says with such rasp in his voice. His messy curls in his face, the way his eyes couldn't take off of her presence

" aww are you falling in love with me marais? ", she said with a innocent smile as she began to play with his necklace that was dangling from his neck

He let out a giggle as he watched her fingers mess with his necklace. " if you suck my dick again I just might ", Isabella's mouth widen from that inappropriate response

" take me out to dinner first marais okay Jesus don't you know how to ask a girl out ", she said messing around with him

He bit his lip as his eyes looked directly at her lips. How much he loved the way her lips attached to his dick, making him feel so damn good

Those precious pink lips kissing his body, how soft they were

Truly unforgettable

" for your information I do know how to ask a women out, I'm a very romantic guy. I love showing my affection and putting my time into my significant other and-

He paused to look at her, looking at him talk about romance. Something she probably doesn't want to hear after she got dumped by a guy she dated over 3 years

He smashed his lips onto hers which caught her off guard. Her hands wrapped around his neck, not wanting him to stop kissing her

His kisses were powerful, he was very gentle and not a lot of guys were that gentle to Isabella but


He's different

She's never met a guy like Jonah marais

Her body began to take action saddling on his lap. Continuously kissing each other, but suddenly there was a knock at her front door

She stopped and looked at him confused. " did someone just knock? ", she said quietly his eyes widen Isabella quickly got off of the naked boy in her bed slipped on his big oversized shirt that made her look like she was wearing a dress

She walked out of her bedroom to her front door. Looking through her apartment door peephole to see who was knocking at her door at 9 in the morning

It was her neighbor

She mouthed fuck already knowing what he was about to say

" good morning! Um sorry to wake you I just well me and my wife heard these screaming and it was too loud. She just wanted me to ask if you were ok ", Isabella tried not to laugh from embarrassment

She gave her neighbor a guilt smile continuing the conversation with I'm ok everything's fine I just dropped ... something

As she shut her apartment door, she began to quietly laugh. She's never felt more embarrassed in her life

The boy walked out of her bedroom with his pants completely on. " you dropped something? ", Isabella shrug her shoulders " I didn't know what to say ok ! "

He laughed as he ran his fingers through his brown curly locks stretching his arms

" it's not funny! That was so embarrassing ", he nodded his head trying not to laugh anymore seeing that Isabella was really not happy with what just happened

" maybe next time be more quieter or we can do it at my place "

I feel embarrassed for isa

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