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Monday Night Raw
Bray Wyatt stood in the ring. Darkness all around except for the one light that shined on him. The crowd begins to boo him. He begins walking around looking at the crowd with a smile on his face. He stands in the middle of the ring again and the crowd goes silent as he  pulls the microphone to his lips.
"This Sunday at Wrestlemania" he begins, "there will be no more lies,no more deception, no more hiding behind a fake mask" he briefly pauses before continuing.
"At the grandest stage of them all these people will see you, Maverick, for what you really are" he pauses again, " a monster. Just like me" he laughs.
"You have ran for far too long but this sunday there will be no more running. This sunday you will come face to face with your worst nightmare" he kneels down in the middle of the ring, "Me. The face of fear. The eater of worlds Bray Wyatt!" He laughs again.

"Bray Wyatt" he heard the voice calling him.
He got up and looked around looking for the voice.
"Bray Wyatt" he finally looked up at titantron to see him. Maverick. Sitting down but not looking up.
Bray Wyatt laughs as he stands up " You can run, Maverick but you can't hide. Not from me".
"You called me a monster" Maverick began to speak as he begins slowly rocking back and an forth as if in a rocking chair, "This sunday we will see who is the real monster" he looks up as if looking at Bray.
"Do you want to see a real monster?" Maverick stands up to reveal what he is sitting on.
Bray smiles slowly dissapears and he realizes that Maverick was sitting in his rocking chair.
"Be careful" Bray speaks warning Maverick.
"This was her chair" Maverick walked around until he was standing behind it, "This is all that remains of her" he slowly pushes the chair making rock back and forth. Maverick leans down and stand back up revealing a gas can in his hand.
"I would choose my next move wisely if I were you" Bray warns again.
Maverick begins throwing gas all over the chair.
"Stop" Bray gets on his knees as he watches Maverick cover the chair in gasoline, "Stop...Stop it!" He begins to shout.
Maverick suddenly stops pouring the gasoline almost as if listening to Bray.
Bray watches him throw the gas can away. Bray begins to laugh, "Wise choice" he tells Maverick. But his laughter stops as he sees Maverick pull a lighter from his pocket.
"No!" Bray Wyatt screams, "Don't do it Maverick".
He watches Maverick start the lighter.
"No! Dont you dare. No stop it!" Bray begs.
Maverick smiles as he steps away and tosses the lighter into the chair.
Bray Wyatt screams as he watches the chair get engulfed in flames.
"No! What have you done" Bray screams almost as if in pain himself.
Maverick begins to laugh.
Sasha banks ran into the ring. Sneaking up on Alexa bliss from behind. She hits Alexa sending her to the mat. The bell rings signaling the disqualification but Sasha gets on top of Alexa and begins beating her.
"The title is mine"she shouts as she keeps beating Alexa.
Alexa tries to fight back, momentarily pushing Sasha from on top of her. She gets up but Sasha kicks her in the gut giving her enough time to move behind her and nail her with the Bank Statement.
Referees begin jumping into the ring as Sasha locks in the submission hold. They tell her to let Alexa go but she refuses. She forces Alexa to let start tapping out.
She pulls on Alexa neck one more time and finally lets go. Before she stands up she gets close to Alexa's ear so only she can hear her. "Maverick is mine" she whispers. She stands up and grab her Raw Woman's Championship and holds up above her head as she looks down at her Wrestlemania opponent and she was proud of her work.
Alexa lays on the mat grabbing her head and neck, unsure if she heard Sasha's last statement correctly. At least she hope she didn't.

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