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My music hits.
I walk out to an estatic crowd. I stand at the top of the ramp and hit my signature taunt.
I head down the ramp and head into the ring. But I don't head for the turnbuckle, instead I grab the mic and wait for my music go die down.

"First thing is first" I speak and the crowd goes wild making me smile.
"Damm It feels good to be home".
I motion with my hand to the crowd signaling them to calm down.

"But unfortunately, My first match back, after 7 years was ruin. Thing is..It wasn't just any match. It was for the number 1 contender for wwe universal championship".
The crowd goes silent.
"That brings me to this so called Bray Wyatt. I don't know who he is or why he though he had a right to interfere in my match last week. But I don't plan on letting that stop me. Im still going after what I want and thats the WWE Universal Championship". I smile and dropped the mic as my music hits.

I walked thru the curtain and Kurt Angle is waiting for me.
"Hey" he sticks his hand out and I grab it.
"First, its good to have you back" he smiles and pats my arm.
"Good to be back, Im a fan by the way" I smiled back.
"Thanks. By the way I saw what happen last week and It wasn't fair. So tonight Im gonna give you another chance. Its gonna be you and Finn Balor, one on one, in a #1 contenders rematch".
I smiled "Thank you".
"No problem. Good luck" he pats my shoulder with a smile and walks off.

I am whip into the ropes. I bounce off and but I nailed Finn with a superkick out of nowhere. Its been a long match but Im so close now. I can feel it in my veins.
I grab finn's head when suddenly everything goes black.
Not again.

The lights come back on and there he is standing in front of me.
Smiling at me.
Bray Wyatt.
I run at him but he knocks me down with a clothesline.
I feel myself be picked up and he lays me over his knee. He laughs as he leans down and kisses my forehead.
Suddenly he my face hits the mat.
Sister Abigail.
I hear his laugh before the arena goes black and within seconds the lights come back and he is gone.

Finns pins me and once again Bray has cost me not just the match but another opportunity at the world title.
Finn leaves but Im still laying on the floor.


I slam the door shut as I walk into my locker room. I clench my fists. Bray Wyatt cost me another opportunity. Why the hell does he think he has right to interfere in my match. I shake it off.
"Calm down" I tell myself. I can't let him get inside my head.
I head straight into the shower and let the hot water calm me down. After I get out and get dress, I begin to pack for the road when there's a knock at the door.
I am instantly caught off guard as soon as I opened it.
She stands at the door with her blonde hair in a ponytail. Her blue eyes staring right at me.
Alexa Bliss.
She suprisingly looks very cute with her hair like that.
She speaks first.

"Can I come In?" She asks.
"Uh sure" I answer and step out the way letting her come in.
I close the door and turn to face her while trying not to stare into her blue eyes.
"Make yourself comfortable" I tell her and she does by sitting down on the couch.
"Thanks" she says.
"So, how can I help you?".
"Well.." she begins.
Is it me or does she seem nervous.
"Im facing Mickie James and a tag partner of her choice next week. I need a partner and I though you be a good one. Would you like to be my partner?" she finishes.
She stares at me waiting for my answer.
I find myself staring into her blue eyes. Its like they pulled you in. Its like they pulled you into a trance.
Luckily this time I catch myself just time.
"Why me?" I asked her while trying to seem natural and resist her blue eyes.
"Well one, I thought me and you would be a good combination. Two, I thought you could you a distraction from your recent problems".
She stares at me waiting for answer.
I sight and take a deep breath.
"Yea, I could use a distraction" I tell her while taking a deep breath.
"You got yourself a deal" I tell her and she smiles.
"Great, just do me one favor" she says as she stands up.
"Don't tell anyone, I want it to be a surprise".
"Sure, sounds like a plan". I open the door for her.
"Great. See ya next week". She walks out and I slowly closed the door after she leaves.
This should be interesting.

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