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I pulled out the chair for Alexa so that she could sit down. Once she does I quickly sit down on the other side of the table so Im across from her. Just then the waiter comes and we order our drinks.  The restaurant was't anything too fancy but it was private enough that we had our own booth.
"Ok, so what did you want to talk about?" Alexa ask after the waiter leaves.
I feel the nerves hit me again. Almost like the night I came back.
"Straight to the point type of girl" I say as a joke.
She just stares at me waiting for a response. I begin to have second thoughts. That maybe I shouldn't say anything. After all I don't know how she will respond. I don't know if she feels the same way.
But I shake the thoughts away. I have to try.
"Its now or never" I tell myself.
"I..." I begin to speak but the waiter interrupt us with our drinks.
"Are you ready to order" he asks us and we order our food.
She waits for the waiter to leave and then she speaks again.
"What did you want to talk about that is so important" she asks.
That's when I do it. That's when I look into her blue eyes. This time on purpose. Once again I felt myself being hypnotized.
"The truth is..." I begin speaking slowly never breaking eye contact.
"I saw you last week talking to murphy".
Her face went blank. She look at me suprised.
"You saw that?".
"Yes" I said. "I didn't mean to. I just happen to turn the corner and there you two were talking".
"What did you hear?" She asked quickly barely letting me finished my sentence.
"Him telling you that he wants you back" I confess to her.
"Oh" she says.
"That's actually the reason I ask you out. Truth is because I care about you. A lot. Maybe more than I should. When I saw you talking to him, it made me scared".
"Scared?" She asks with a raised eyebrow.
"Yes Alexa, scared. Scared that I lost the only chance. Because I was beginning to think you cared about me too" I finished and waited for a response.
She begins to speak but the waiter comes with out food. Once again his timing wasn't the best. He starts setting the food down and I find myself getting annoyed at his presence.

When he finally leaves, and I look back at alexa. I find her staring at me.
She takes a deep breath and begins to speak.
"Listen, the reality is that Ive had feelings for you too. But things are complicated right now. Im just not at a good place right now." she says.
"I understand that, All Im asking is for the chance for us to get to know each other. Then we can go from there" I try to convince her.
She takes a bite of her food and I wait for her to speak.
"As long as its nothing serious, for now" she begins.
She smiles suddenly.
She has a beautiful smile.
"I would like that" she tells me.
That makes me smile.

I knock on Renee and Dean's hotel room door. I rushed right over after having taken Alexa to her hotel room and leaving after she went inside.
Dean opens the door.
"Who the he..." he notices me.
"Man, its 2 in the morning" he says half awake.
"I know, sorry, but I couldn't wait. Is renee sleeping too?".
"Not anymore" renee's voice came from inside the room.
Dean steps to the side and I walk inside their room. It wasn't big but it wasn't small eaither. It was a two room place. One, I guessed. was the bedroom. So the other one was the bathroom.
My room, was different. My bedroom and living room was one room. Only the bathroom had its own seperated room.
"Im sorry for bothering you guys like this" I apologized.
"It's fine. Just tell me what was so important" Renee was also half asleep.
"Its about Alexa" I tell her and Dean immedietly stands up from the couch he was sitting in.
"Thats my cue to go. Im going back to sleep". Dean heads into the bedroom closing the door behind him.
"Alright" renee says.
"What about Alexa do you have to tell me".
"I told her everything. How I heard her conversation with murphy and of my feelings for her" I tell renee.
"Really, what she say?".
"Well, its nothing formal but were gonna start by getting to know each other first. Then we will go from there".
Renee smiles at me.
"That's great. As long as your okay with that".
"Its a start" I tell her.
"Don't worry. Things will work out for the best" she assures me.
"I know" I agree with her.
I click the button for elevator and wait for it to come. 
The elevator opens after a few minutes and inside of it stands Kurt Angle.
I sigh as I walk in and hit the button with my floor number.
I wait for the doors to close before turning to kurt.
"How could you?" I ask him.
"How could I what?" He asks clearly confused.
"How could you give Bray Wyatt a chance to part of the survivor series team".
He remain quiet.
"Kurt, you know what happen with me and bray at TLC. None of this feels right. Bray is up to something. I have a feeling, tlc, is only the beginning".
"Listen Maverick" kurt says.
"I don't care what happen between you and bray. Survivor Series is about putting aside your differences to prove that Raw is the best show. In order to do that I need the best men on raw's team".
"I thought I was the captain of Team Raw" I questioned.
"Yes, you are. But Im still the General Manager of Raw" he tells me.

The elevator doors open on my floor and I step out but not before taking another glance back at Kurt.
I hear the doors close behind me as I turn and walk away.

Maverick's Bliss (A WWE Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now