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After 7 years away....
Im coming back...
7 years...
It been a long time.
My limo comes to sudden halt in front of the back entrance of the Madison Square Garden building.
Madison Square Garden, the biggest stage in the world.
What a way to make a return.
What a stage to make a return at. I couldn't be any prouder.
I opened the door, step out of my limosuine and say goodbye to the limo driver. I walk up to the door and head inside the building. I make sure to keep my face hidden with my hoodie because noyone knows Im here yet.
I barely put a foot inside when Im grab by my arm get suddenly pulled to the side. I look to see the COO Hunter Hearst Hemsley holding my arm.
"Keep your head down" he tells me and begins rushing me down a hallway.
Finally I hear a door opened and get pulled into an empty locker room.
"Sorry about that" he tells me as he closes the door.
"Just making sure you stay a surprise".
"I understand" I said and I really do. In this day and age with Technology and Internet Its really hard to keep a surprise hidden.
He walks around until he is standing in front of me at which point he sticks his hand out.
"Good to have you back" he says as we shake hands.
"Good to be back" I assured him.
"So Im guessing you were filled in as to how everything will go down" he asks.
"Yep" I tell him and he nods.
"Good. Then Ill just leave you to get ready".
He makes sure not to open the door too much as he leaves and I locked the door behind him.
The good thing is I dont have to bother changing into my wrestling attire since Im not gonna wrestle tonight. All I need is to put on my black hoodie and leather jacket over it and Im set to go.
I decide to turn the tv on, to see what happening. I turn it on and see Sheamus with Cesaro taking on Seth Rollins with Dean Ambrose.
My segment is next.
Ill be closing the night off.
Then It hits me again.
Its Monday Night Raw.
In Madison Square Garden.
The night after Summerslam.
I suddenly feel nervous for the first time.
I hope to get a good reaction from the WWE Universe.
They have been loyal to me, even after I left they have kept chanting my name once in a while as if to say they want be to come back. So its only fit I stay loyal to them by coming back to where it all began for me.
I hear the bell ring signaling the end of the match. I look to see Seth Rollins and Dean Ambrose hands being raised.
I let out a deep breath.
Its time....
I hear the knock on my door and I get up anxiously and open the door slightly. Its HHH.
"Its time" he says. I nod, turn the tv off as I throw my hoodie on with my black jacket on top and leave the room.
I walk quickly down the hallway not wanting to be seen just yet. Luckily hallway is empty except for a few wwe personels.
I made it to the gorrilla jus in time as HHH music hits. "Good luck" he says to me before walking thru the curtain.
I watch on the monitor as he walks out and heads towards the ring.

"Well, ladies and gentlemen" I hear Micheal cole speak. "We've know all night that HHH, the coo of wwe has some sort of big announcement its time to find out what that announcement is".
HHH stands in the ring with the mic in hand.

"As you all know the night after Wrestlemania is known to be a huge and historic night. Always filled with suprises". He takes a brief pause before continuing.

"Tonight will be no different. Next week we will have a fatal 4 way elimination match to determined the new #1 contender to the WWE Universal Championship". Another pause and this time the crowd cheers loudly almost as if they knew what was coming.

"The four men who will compete in this match are Dean Ambrose , Finn Balor, The Miz and this man..." He points to the ramp and everything goes silent. The fans's cheering lowers down, everyone curious.
Suddenly, after a few seconds my music hits.
The fans go wild.
They recognized my music.

I step thru the curtain and into the top of the ramp. I take a second to look around and smile.
Damm, it feels good to be back.
I do my signature posed and head down the ramp. I slap a few of the fans hands along the way before heading into the ring.
I head straight to the turnbuckle and do my signature posed again. The atmosphere is electric. After a few seconds I get down and head towards Triple H and shake his hand.


I walk thru the curtain after the show ends and the gorrilla is pack with officials and superstars. As soon as I enter they begin clapping. I nod and say thank you as I walk by them shaking their hands. I hear a few welcome backs and I can't help but smile.
I recognized a few of the superstars but not all of them. But its been 7 years. So there bound to be new superstars. Nonetheless I still say thank you to all of them.

After I finally leave everyone behind and head toward my locker room. When I open the door I feel someone grab me from behind tackle me to the floor. I feel the air get knock out of me.
"What the hell" I shout but laughter is the only response I get.
I look up to see Dean Ambrose laughing and I begin to laugh as I get up.
"Of course, should of known" I say as I tried to catch my breath. I sit on the edge of the couch in my locker room.
"Bro" he says. "How did this happen?,
When did you make the choice?,When did you choose to come back?, Why..".
"Whoa, Whoa slow down with the questions" I say as I catch my breath.

"Let him breath" I hear a female voice and look to see a laughing Renee Young, standing next to the door.
"Thanks Renee" I tell her.
"Sure thing".

Dean Ambrose and Renee Young were my two closest friends before I left and two people I missed the most.
They practically beg me to stay but I choosed to leave. I felt bad for leaving them but at the time it felt like it was the right thing. I told them I wasn't leaving them I was simply leaving the wwe. But they still felt hurt.

"Anyway" Dean spoke ignoring her.
"I have one very important question to ask you" he said and immedietly got serious.

"Umm ok. What is it" I asked.

"Why?" he speaks as he moves closer,
"Why in the hell didn't you tell me you were coming back" he punches in the shoulder as he begins laughing.

I laugh and Renee laughs along too.
"Well, if you must know" I begin.
"I didn't tell you guys because I wanted it to be a suprise".

"It sure was" Renee says.
I notices her suddenly look at Dean with and he looks back at her. She nods at him with a smile and Dean looks back me.
"Well speaking of suprises, we have one for you". As he says this he moves towards Renee and slides his arm around her waist.
It takes me a minute but then realized what happening.
"No. Wait" I speak trying to get my words together.
"Please tell me Its what Im thinking. Otherwise Im just making a fool of myself".

"Yes" Renee speaks first.
"Its exactly what your thinking" she says looking up at Ambrose. He kisses her and she smiles.
"I knew it!" I shout.

I always knew Renee Young and Dean Ambrose had a thing for each other. No matter how much they denied it.
I knew it was only a matter of time.

"How long?" I asked.
"About a year and a half now" Renee answer.
"I knew it" I tell them.
"I knew it was only a matter of time".
"Yeah, Yeah okay" Dean breaks in.
"Don't get all crazy and setimental now" .

I laugh and and walk up to them.
"I wanna know everything. How it all happen. Every single detail".
They laugh as I hug them both.

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