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My music hits just as Bray Wyatt and Jason Jordan begin their match.
I step thru the curtain to the top of the ramp.
Bray and Jason just stare at me. Jason is obviously suprised. Bray simply smiles when he sees me.
I remain serious but instead of heading down to the ring, I walk towards the announcers table.
The announcers are obviously suprised to see me as well. Nonetheless they greet me.

The match begins and I watch as bray quickly gets the upper hand.
"Maverick, who would you like to see win" Micheal cole asks me.
"Honestly, to me it doesn't matter. What matters is that, come sunday we can work together to beat smackdown" I answer his question.
Somehow Jason fights back. He ducks under bray's clothesline and hits him with one of his own.
Suddenly Jason rolls up bray up for the pin.



Somehow Jason Jordan pulls out the victory. Bray looks shocked and I feel relieved.
Until Bray attacks him from behind.
Bray keeps attacking him, eventually grabbing his legs and pulling him to the edge of the apron.
Bray gets out of the ring and grabs jason's leg again. He smirks as he raises his leg and smashes down hard on the apron. Jason screams in pain.
Bray repeats the process again. I stand up and remove my announcers mic.
Bray grabs his leg one more time and pulls it back and then smashes it, this time against the ring post.

By this time, Ive had enough. I rush down into the ring and bray lets jason go. I quickly pull him back into the ring as Bray stares at us in laughter.
I kneel besides Jason as Bray opens his arms.
His laughter continous.
"Follow the Buzzards" he says.

I stormed into Kurt's office.
"See what you did" I tell him.
"Now Jason is too injured and were forced to bring Bray in".

"Listen, I know your mad" Kurt says.

"Yes, I am" I told him not bothering to hide my anger.

"I know" he says.
"I didn't want this eaither but we have no choice".

I hated to admit it but he was right. I decide to end the conversation there.
I take a deep breath.
"You better be right kurt" I tell him and leave without giving him the chance to speak.
Smackdown Live
Tuesday Night

This is it. Time for payback.
We walk into the building where smackdown live is brocasting from.
They have no idea we are here.
I walk down to the gorrilla. Making sure noyone sees me yet.
Once there, I wait for my cue.
Their main event is on its way. It's The New Day versus Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens.
Its the perfect opportunity. Not to mention Survivor Series is this sunday which makes this the perfect time to attack.
Suddenly their music hits.
Everyone freezes as they recognized The Shield's theme.
They appear at their usual spot in the crowd.
After a few seconds they begin their descend. The new day are obviously shocked as well as Kevin Owens and Sami Zayn.
They are frozen, not knowing what to do.
The shield sorround the ring. Then my music hits.
I walk thru the curtain and quickly make my way down to the ring. As the shield and I get in the ring, Sami Zayn and Kevin Owens quickly rolled out. The new day and the shield go at it while I just stare at sami and kevin wondering why did they just leave instead of helping the new day.
As they leave Shane Mchamon comes out with the whole locker room.
Smackdown begins to get the advantage. Until Kurt Angle comes out and brings Braun Strowman out with him. That's when everything begins to go in our favor.
The smackdown roster doesn't stand a chance.
We eventually clear the ring. Shane is the only one left.
The shield surrounds him.
I stand at the ramp and watch as Roman signals for the triple powerbomb. Dean and Seth pick Shane up and place him on Roman's shoulders. I watch as they slam him back down into the mat.

To be honest, at this point any other man would be out after a power bomb like that. But not Shane. Honestly, He surprises me as he begins to move again after a few minutes. He literally begins to slowly stand back up. I have to admit it. Shane has some fight in him.
But The shield notices him.
They repeat the same process one more time. Which means, one more powerbomb.
This time Kurt tells them that it's time to go. They get down from the ring and we head up the ramp.
Once again I am surprised as I see Shane moving once again in the titatron. I turned around and just stare at him moving slowly in the ring. Barely able to move.
He just doesn't know when to give up. We stand there watching as Smackdown Live goes off the air.

Maverick's Bliss (A WWE Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now