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I saw alexa walking towards me in the hallway. As she got closer she smiled a little before getting serious again.
"Are you ready for tonight's match?".
"Good. Now remember its a suprise. So shhh" she montions me quiet with her finger to her lips.
I mimicked her and montion to her with my finger to my lips. She chuckles and walks away after rolling her eyes.


Alexa bliss stands at the end of the ramp. The fans anxious to know who her partner is.

"And her tag team partner..." The annoucer says.

My music hits and the crowd goes wild. I walk out confirming what everyone already knew. I do my signature taunt and walk down the ramp to Alexa. As I reach her she has a stare down with Mickie James and I with mickie's partner...The Miz.
I look at alexa then we both head into the ring.


Mickie James has the upper hand. She nails alexa with a suplex and quickly goes for the cover.
Alexa manages to kick out just in time.
She tries to drag herself to our corner and I extend my hand out. Mickie james grabs her foot and drags her back. Alexa slowly stands up on one foot while mickie holds the other one.
She jumps and nails mickie with an enziguri.
I quickly extend my hand out again. She drags herself to our corner and at the last second she jumps and tags me in.

I enter the ring and immidietly go after the miz. Since he was instantly tag in when alexa tag me.
I go after the miz and start hitting him. But he gets the upper hand. Suddenly he goes for the clothesline but I duck under it and nailed him with a superkick when he turns around. I quickly go for the cover.




The bell rings and my music plays. The crowd goes begins to cheer. Alexa gets in the ring and the referee raises both of our hands. She moves past the ref and hugs me with a smile which catches me off guard. 

I begin to smile when the arena goes dark. My smile fades away. 

Oh no...

Slowly the laughter begins to penetrate thru the dark. I recognized it immedietly. The titantron suddenly blinks to a rocking chair.  The laughter becomes clearer as bray walks into view. He slowly stops laughing as he sits in the chair and simply stares, almost as if he was staring at me.

"I know you" he slowly begins speaking.

"Please allow me to introduce myself. I am the eater of worlds. The face of fear. Bray Wyatt" he laughs as he continues to rock back and forth in the chair.

"She knows you too. She actually has grown quite fond of you. For reasons unknown to me. She liked you but you have broken her heart" he smiles slowly fades along with his laughter.

"She still has hope for you. So I made a promise to her in your favor" he suddenly looks at the camera.

"No matter what It takes I will keep my promise and it starts this sunday at TLC! So go ahead I dare you...RUN!".

The screen flickers and he is gone. The lights come back and I am montionless. I feel alexa grab my arm and shake me. I look at her and she is staring at me with a shocked and a bit of a scare expression on her face.
I turn away and walk towards the corner and ask for the mic. I turn to face the titantron as if he was still there.

"So bray wyatt wants me at TLC. Well Ive never been one to turn down a challenge. So Bray...Your on!" I dropped the mic and step out of the ring and head backstage.

Alexa follows me thru the curtain.
"Are you okay" she asks me.
"Yea" I say trying to give her a reassuring smile. But she didn't look too convince.
I begin to say something but Renee interrupts us. I see her with the camera next to her and the mic in her hand.

"Maverick" she begins, "We would like to know your thoughts on what just happen out there".

"Its nothing but bray being bray. He thinks he can scare me. But I got news for him. I don't scare easily".

I leave after finishing the last sentence  leaving Renee and Alexa to stare at each other.


I sit in my locker room watching the main event.
Its Finn Balor against the current WWE Universal Champion Braun Strowman in a non title match. This is going to be a tough challenge for Finn.

The match had already started. Braun had the upper hand. Clearly.
Finn layed on one turnbuckle while Braun stood at the other one across the ring. Braun suddenly ran full force at finn. He was going for a corner splash.
Somehow finn moves out the way and braun runs into nothing but the empty turnbuckle. He bounces back dazed. 
I was paying closed attention to the match that I didn't notice Renee and Dean walk in.

"Dude, I dont think its a good idea to face bray in match" dean speaks first.

"yea , I mean you remember watching dean and bray go at it" renee says agreeing with dean.

Even after I left, me, renee and dean still kept in contact. Which meant I also watch them every monday and tuesday on raw and smackdown live. So I remember dean's feud with bray. 

"Look" I begin.

"I know you guys are worried. But I want to do this. I will get even with him for costing me a shot a the WWE title.

Dean is staring at me. I look at renee but her eyes are staring at the tv screen. I look to see what she is staring at.

Bray Wyatt. Standing in the middle between Braun and Finn. He looks back and forth between the two as if he was choosing between them. Braun begins to move but bray pushes him back. He slowly pushes him back until braun is at the turnbuckle. He whispers something to braun, something that can't be heard.

Finn grows impatient and runs towards them but bray turns suddenly and nails him with a clothesline. Its almost as if bray was expecting it.  He picks finn up and positions him for Sister Abigail. He begins to laugh as he kisses finn on his forehead and throws himself backwards forcing finn to hit the mat face first.

Bray continues laughing as he kneels down and streches his arms out with finn layed out in front of him. Then he stares at the camera and continues to laugh as he clearly says "Follow The Buzzards!".  Suddenly the screen flickers and goes blank. Ending the show in the process. There is a silence. Noyone says anything.

"I guess you were wrong" renee suddenly speaks breaking the silence. At first I think she is speaking to me but I noticed her looking at dean.

Dean stays silent and I look at renee clearly confused. She looks at me and notices my confusion.

"Dean thought that Bray and finn were working together against you" Renee explains to me.

"Well, that theory is out the window" I tell them.
"Hey can I ask you something renee".
"Sure, anything" she tells me.

"Why can't you ask me" dean quickly asks.
"Umm its about a girl" I tell him.
He looks at renee and she is smiling.

"Would this girl be a certain blonde with pink tips by the name of Alexa Bliss...by any chance" she asks me, the smile not going anywhere.

"Maybe" I tell her suprise at how nervous I am.
She noticea and laughs "wow I have never seen you this nervous about anything".
I laugh knowing its true.
"What did you want to ask".
"Umm..I just wanted to ask if she was seeing anyone".
"No, not right now" Renee tells me.
"She was in a relationship back when she was in NXT but it ended badly".
"How so?" I ask, the curiousity getting the best of me.

"Its not my place to say" she says.
"I wouldn't be a good friend if I betrayed Alexa's trust".
"Your right" I agreed.
"Anyway, the point is she isn't seeing anyone. You can ask her out if you want".
"Hey how did you know it was about her?".
"I saw how you looked at her in catering a few weeks ago" renee tells me with a smile.
"I knew it was only a matter of time".

Maverick's Bliss (A WWE Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now