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I stood in the ring face to face with the Eater Of Worlds...Bray Wyatt.
He stared at me with that same smirk on his face. I tightend my fist and took a deep breath. I had been waiting all week for this. Now here I was face to face with him. I was nervous.
The crowd cheered loudly. The bell rung signaling the beginning of the match.

Bray Wyatt moved first. He went for a clothesline but I ducked under. I step foward as he turned around and nailed him with my signature superkick. I quickly went for the cover.
Somehow bray kicks out.
I didn't expect that. I stand bray up and drag him to the turnbuckle and begin hitting him. At first it seems as if the punches are actually hurting him. As I hit him I noticed him laughing.
"Hit me" he says in between punches.
I step backwards as keeps staring at me with that smirk on his face. He grabs the ropes and pulls himself up never losing eyesight with me.
He runs at me and drops me with a clothesline. He picks me up and throws my arm over his shoulder. He then proceeds to pick me up and drop me down on my back quickly. 
He stands there looking at me with a satisfied stare on his face. 
He grabs me by my hair and picks me up and whips me into the turnbuckle. He runs to the turnbuckle at the other end and runs back at me. The splash takes the air out of me.
Bray throws me to the floor.

I find myself staring at the rafters. I move my eyes searching for bray. I catch a glimpse of him laying against the turnbuckle with his back at me.
Suddenly I hear the loud thud as he drops himself backwards. I slowly begin turning around only to be caught off guard. As I see bray use his arms and legs to push himself up...backwards.

He laughs as he stares at me upside down.
"I Know You" he says thru laughter.
I try to move away from him but instead he drops back down and rolls out the ring. I stand up slowly making sure not to lose him from my eyesight. I watch him scare the ring announcer away and grab the chair. I look at the referee and he was staring at bray ready to disqualified him if he tried anything with the chair. 

Bray slid back into the ring, chair in hand. He stare at me and I got ready just in case he tried anything. But he suprised me by throwing the chair at me. I catched it and froze with it. I looked at bray and he simply laugh as he got down on his knees and extended his arms open.

"Hit Me" he said.

"What?". I was confused. 

Why did he want me to hit him with the chair?

"Hit me!" he said again. This time louder. 

I shook my head. I said no with my head and threw the chair outside the ring. I didn't know what he was trying to do or what game he was trying to play. But I wasn't gonna play along. Instead I ran at him and nailed him with a knee to the face. I quickly picked him up and deliver my finisher Maverick's Rush. Then I quickly go for the cover.




The bell ring signaling the end of the match. My song plays and I quickly roll out the ring. I continued to stare at bray as I moved up the ramp and he simply stares at me with a smile.


Renee and Dean burst into my locker room. Luckily I was showered and dress.
"Thanks for knocking" I tell them.
They both stare at me in silence. Its weird considering that dean always has something to say.
"What was that about?" Renee asks me.
"What was what about?".
"In the match. Bray throwing the chair at you and wanting you to hit him".
"Oh" I simply say.
"I wish I knew too. My guess is good as yours".
"It was weird. I mean he never did any of that with me" Dean spoke this time. He was serious which was weird too.
"I know dean".

"Just don't let him get into your head" Renee tells me

"Dont worry. I wont" I assured her with a smile.

"Anyway, why don't we hang out and do something tonight".

"Thats not a bad idea. I mean we haven't hanged out in a long time" Dean says this time he seems more cheerful.
"Yeah, your right" I agreed. "What do you guys have in mind?".

"Oh definitly pizza" dean quickly answers. I can't help but smile knowing exactly were he was going at. 

Back then, Pizza was our thing. It was just how we bonded and we liked it. To the point were we went out for pizza at least once a month. It was our tradition.

"Sounds good" I tell him.

"Just like old times" Dean says and hugs me.

"Fine but If Im doing pizza with you two, Im bringing someone along" Renee finally speaks.

Renee always had to bring someone along. Not because we Ignored her but because she didn't want to be the only girl there.

"Just like old times" I smirk.

We sat in in the pizzeria waiting for our pizza. We chosed one that was close to our hotel. Which I was surprised to find that it was still open at this time.
Renee and dean sat next to each other, with dean across from me. Across from renee was her invite.
Alexa Bliss.
Alexa and Renee talked and Me and dean had our own conversation going.
After a few minutes the waiter came and drop off our pizza and drinks.
I tried not to but I found myself ocassionally glacing at Alexa. Luckily it seemed like she didn't notice.
I grabbed my slice of pizza and began to eat when Renee began a new conversation.
"So how does it feel to be back?" She asked.
"It feels good".
"Is it the same like when you left?".

"Well a lot has changed. Especially in the locker room. A lot of new faces along with some familiar ones. Feels like my career is starting all over again" I chuckled.
"Trust me" It was Alexa's turn to speak. "I know the feeling. I haven't been here that long".
"Really? I wouldn't have guess that" I tell her.
"Yea, sure" she says jokingly.
"Im serious. I would have no idea unless you told me otherwise" I assured her.
"Why not?".
"Because you look like a pro in the ring. You look like you have been doing this for years" I tell her with a serious expression.
She laughs and I couldn't help but smile.

I suddenly remember Renee and Dean. I quickly look at them and they are just staring at us with a smile.
"What is it?" I asked them.
"Nothing" Dean says with a smirk.
We get to the hotel and all four of us ask for our rooms. We get into the elevator and after a few seconds dean and renee get of on their floor.
They share a room.
"All right, good night" Dean says.
Alexa and I tell them good night and soon we are alone in the elevator.
I speak first.
"Did you have a good night?".
"Yea, It was fun. How about you?" Alexa asks me.
"It was fun" I tell her.
The elevator dings and the opens to my floor. But I noticed alexa getting off too.
I let her get off first and then proceed to get off.
"Umm are you following me?" alexa says jokingly.
"Uh, no my room is on this floor too" I quickly let her know.
We begin walking down the hallway in silence.
"Umm can I asked you something" I speak first.
"Would you like to go out again sometime" I speak slowly and nervously.
"Uh, sure just let me know when you, dean and renee want to hang out" she says clearly not understanding what I meant.
"That's not what I meant" I tell her as she stops in front of her room.
"Oh...What did you mean?".
I turn to look at her.
"I meant would like to go out again with me".
She simply stares at me.
"Yes. No dean and renee. Just you and me".
"Sounds like like your asking me out on a date".
"We have a winner" I confirm and she laughs.
"Alright, Sounds fun" she says.
"Just let me know the time and date".
"Sounds like a plan" I tell her and she opens her room door.
"Good night" She says and walks inside closing the door behind her.

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