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Elimination Chamber


The referee began his count.


Maverick layed motionless in the ring.


Buddy Murphy lean against the turnbuckle which was the only thing keeping him up.


The match had gotten out of control pretty quick. They had used every type of weapon that they could get their hands on, and both had ended up busted open.


Maverick still had not moved. He was finding it difficult to breath. His momentum was gone. All he felt was tired.


Buddy Murphy watch the referee count again, "Count faster!" he told him.


Maverick began to move to Murphy's surprise.
He watched as Maverick began to drag himself towards the bottom rope.


Maverick grab the bottom rope and began to push himself up with the little momentum that was left in his body. He grab the second rope just as he hears the referee count again.


He grab the third rope pulling himself up while breaking the referee's count in the process. Maverick tried to catch his breath as he leaned against the ropes.

Buddy stared at his opponent unable to believe what he was witnessing. Maverick was standing up.Barely.But he was. He began to wonder how it was possible as the anger began to build up.

He watched as Buddy grabbed a chair. He forced his body to moved out the way just in time. Forcing Buddy to hit nothing but rope thus making making the chair bounce back and hit Murphy.

Murphy turned around a little dazed while still holding the chair up. Maverick moved quickly and superkick the chair into Murphy's face. He grabbed the ropes to hold himself up as his opponent let go of the chair and fell down.


Alexa watched the tv in disbelief. A lot of superstars, both men and women, had gather around to watch the match. They must have thought the match was really good, which she had to admit it was. But she doubted that they knew how personal this match was and she would prefer to keep it that way.

"Maverick will win definitely" she heard Sasha Banks's voice.
"No" it was Charlotte flair, "Murphy will win".
"Yeah" came in the Irish voice, "I'm gonna have to go with Charlotte on this one. I think Murphy got this one" said Becky Lynch.

"Sorry ladies" it was Dean Ambrose's turn, "But my man Maverick is winning tonight".

She heard some gasps as Maverick nailed a superkick out of nowhere causing Murphy to hit himself with the chair he was holding. He fell while letting go of the chair and the referee began to count.

Murphy began to show signs of life. As he slowly began to move a little.

First his hands then his legs moved.

Suddenly All movement stopped.

The referee signaled for the bell.

"What did I say" Alexa could fell Sasha smirk behind her.


Maverick's music hits.
The referee raises Maverick's hand declearing him the winner.
Maverick drops to his knees...tired. After a few minutes he slowly forces himself up and begins to walk towards the ropes.
Suddenly the lights go off.


"What the hell" Alexa heard Dean say. Dean saw Dean moved closer to the tv from the corner of her eye.
She could feel everyone staring at tv now.
They watched as the lights turn on. Alexa heard the gasps as they see Someone standing behind Maverick.


Maverick felt the the presence behind him.
"No. Not him again." Maverick whispered. But he slowly turn around to face the all too familiar man.
Bray Wyatt.
He stood there with a smile. Just staring at him. He even chuckled a little.
"Let me set You free" He spoked to him.
Maverick simply ran towards him.


Dean watched as Maverick ran at Bray. Somehow Bray reversed it into Sister Abigail, leaving Maverick laying in the ring. Motionless.
Bray began to laugh as he kneeled down with Maverick body in front of him.
He opened his arms as he kept laughing.
Suddenly he spoked, "Followed the Buzzards".

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