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Dean knocked on Maverick's locker room door. The nerves were getting the best of him. He thought about turning around and walking away but the locker room door opened before he could make his choice.
He turned around to see Maverick standing there with Alexa Bliss standing behind him.

"Oh" Dean paused only to smirk, "Am I interrupting something?" He asked.
"No" Alexa spoke first and Maverick looked at her.
"Its okay" she smiled up at Maverick, "We can talk later".
Dean smiles at Alexa as she walks by him and then looks at Maverick with a smile.
Maverick simply rolls his eyes as he steps to the side to let him in.
"So" Maverick closes the door, "Is something wrong?".
Dean looks at him in silence. Looking for the right words but not sure which ones they were.
"The great Dean Ambrose is actually quiet", It was Maverick's turn to smirk, "Something is definitely wrong".
"This is serious" Dean tells him and Maverick puts his hands up as in self defense.
"Okay then, what is it that you want to talk about, that is so serious".
Dean took a deep breath still unsure of how to begin.
"Well, I have to tell you something" Dean slowly began.
Maverick just look at him waiting for him to continue.
Dean took another deep breath, "Well, the end of my contract is coming up and Ive decided not to renew it".
"You mean..."Maverick began.
"I mean, Im leaving WWE".
There it was. Dean finally let it out. It felt good to finally do it. But he had to admit he was still nervous on how his friend would react.
"Your leaving" Maverick asked, smile fading away, still not sure if heard right.
"Yeah" Dean simply answered.
"But why?".
"Cause I feel like Ive done everything I set out to do in WWE. I want to try new things"
"Where are you going to go?"Maverick asked.
"I don't know" Dean admitted.
"What about you and Renee?" Maverick had a sudden realization, "Is she leaving with you?".
"No" Dean looked away "She is staying".
"When do you leave?"
Dean looked at him, "The Night after Wrestlemania will be my last night here".

Later that night

"One room please" Alexa told the receptionist as she walk up to the front desk. "For how long?" The receptionist asked as Alexa pulled her suitcase up next to her. "For the week" she answered as she looked up at women behind the counter.
"What size bed?"
"King size" came the male voice from behind Alexa, making her turn around to see who it was.
She smiled when she saw Maverick walking up to her.
"What are you doing?" She asked.
"I figured we might as well share a room" he paused to hand over his credit card to the receptionist, "I mean we are already officially together. So why not?" He grabbed his credit card  and placed it his wallet and placed his wallet in his pocket.
"Room 701" The receptionist told them as she handed over the keycard to their room.
"Lets go" he grabbed Alexa's hand and waited for her to grabbed her suitcase before leading the way to the elevator. Alexa simply let him lead the way and she followed with a smile.

They got into the elevator as soon as the doors open and let them close behind them.
She looked at Maverick expecting to see a smile but instead she saw the opposite. He was quiet and not smiling. He picked up his phone and began to scroll thru it without as much as a glance towards her.
Alexa opened her mouth to ask if he was okay but was interrupted by the elevator doors opening. She decided to wait until they were in their room alone to ask him.
They stepped out the elevator and and walk down the hallway. Alexa found herself following again but this time Maverick walked ahead without her hand.
"Maver-" she began but was interrupted again. This time they had reach their room and Maverick stopped to open the door. He stepped to the side after opening the door to let her go in first. She grabbed her suitcase and walked in followed by him.
She placed her suitcase next to the door and turn around to face him.
"Okay,Whats wrong?" She asked.

"What do you mean?" Maverick asked as he finished closing the door to the hotel room and turn to face Alexa.
"Dont play dumb" she stared at him,
"You have been acting weird".
"Weird?" He half asked, Half spoke sarcastically. But he knew she was right.  It was ever since Dean told him he was leaving that he wasn't able to focus. He just kept replaying the words in his head.
"Yes" she assured him, "You have been quiet and its seems like there is something bothering you. You don't have to tell me anything but I want you to know that Im here for you if you need me. You can talk to me".

"Okay" Maverick spoked slowly, "I don't want any secrets between us. I want us to trust each other".
"Then you have to talk to me".
"Dean is leaving" he looked at Alexa who was in shock.
"When?" She asked.
"The Night after Wrestlemania is his last night. Im sorry if Ive been acting a little weird. Its just he is my best friend and he is leaving. It doesn't seem real".
Alexa walked up to him and grab his hands and interlock her fingers with his.
"Its going to be okay. Its not like your to stop communicating. I mean I know it won't be the same but you will still find time to hang out once in a while"
Maverick pulled her closer, "How did I get so lucky?" he leaned down and kissed her.

Hey Guys! Guess who's back. I know its been a while and I apologize for the delay. But Im back and the story will continue.
I also want to say thank you to everyone for reading and commenting and just thank you for the support.
This story is unfortunately coming to its end soon. But don't worry, there is a sequel coming to this story. So the journey is far from over. I hope everyone stay along for the ride.
Thank you guys again and please keep reading and leaving your comments.

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