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Thats how Maverick felt as he walked into his hotel room. Tired and maybe even a little confused. He still had not been able to wrap his head around what happen earlier tonight. 
He threw his bag on the bed and unzipped it. All he wanted at this moment was a shower and some sleep.
He heard the knock at the door as he searched his bag for clothes to sleep. He paused and took a deep breath.
"Should I opened it" he thought. He wasn't trying to be rude but right now he wasn't in the mood to talk to anyone. 
Another knock, another deep breath and Maverick moved towards the door and opened it.


Dean looked at his friend. He definitely didn't look too good. 
"Hey man, You okay?" Dean ask him as he let himself into the room.
"No Im not okay" Maverick answered as he closed the door. He turned to face Dean,"Did you see what Bray did?". Dean looked at him from the couch he was sitting on.

"Yeah, What was that about about? I thought you were done with him".

"Yeah, well me too. But I guess he's not done with me" Maverick sighted and sat down in the couch, "I need a drink".

Dean turned his head and looked at his friend "So what are you going to do?".

Maverick didn't look at his friend. Instead he looked up at the ceiling. Silence filled the room. There was no way to answer that question. He didn't know what his next move was going to be. He knew to well there was no way to prepare to Bray Wyatt. How do you prepare for someone when you don't even know what his next move is going to be. That can make anyone unpredictable. Not to mentioned it gives someone like Bray the advantage. That wasn't a position that Maverick like to be in.

Maverick sighted and finally spoked "Honestly, I don't know".

"Listen to me" Dean sat up straight and looked at him, "Your gonna find a way to beat Bray. You didn't make it this far for nothing. Trust me. Ive seen you come back from a lot worse." Dean stared at him.

Maverick looked at him, "Your right".
Dean smirked, "Damm right I am".

That made Maverick laugh.

"If anything ever happen, If you ever need help, just remember Im always here" Dean assured him.

"I know. Thank you".

The knock at the door interrupted them.

"Are you expecting someone?" Dean asked.

"No and I don't really feel like talking to anyone. Its been a long day".

Another knock.

"Maybe if I don't open it whoever it is will go away"  Maverick joked.

Another knock.

"Just opened it, man" Dean laughed as Maverick stood up.

Maverick walked towards the door and opened it. He stood suprised and immediately regretted his words.
Dean stood up and walk to the door "Who is i-" he quickly stopped talking when he was who it was.


"Can we talk?".

Maverick was suprised at how soothing Alexa bliss's voice was to him.

"Yeah sure, okay" Maverick felt himself get nervous.

"Well don't let me interrupt you guys. Ill just be on my way" Dean said.

"See you later" Maverick said as Dean left, "Come in Alexa".

Alexa walked into the room letting Maverick close the door behind her. She sat down on the couch and waited for Maverick to sit down.
"What do you want to talk about?" He asked.
"I just wanted to make sure that you were okay. I saw what Bray did to you".
Maverick looked away "Yeah Im okay, I guess",
He looked at her curiously "How did you know about that?"
"Me and some of the other women were watching your match backstage"
Maverick couldn't help but smile, "You were watching my match?".
Alexa sat in silence realizing she might have said a bit too much.
"Ye...yeah" she suddenly felt nervous and that was her cue that it was time to go.
"Well" she got up, "I should go". She walked to door and grab the door handle.
"Alexa" He called her.
She turned around to face him, "Yeah?"
"Is there anything you want to tell me?" He asked.
"Sorry, what do you mean?"she asked confused.

Maverick's Bliss (A WWE Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now