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Two Weeks Later

Alexa Bliss sat on the couch, tv on, in her locker room. She watch as Kurt Angle's music hit.
She had dreaded this moment. She had tried to avoid getting to this point. It was as if they were fightting for her.
Buddy Murphy didn't understand when enough was enough. Their relationship had been good in the beginning but then he began to show his true colors. Especially after they became engaged. But that was all in the past now.

Then there was him. Maverick. She didn't pay attention at first but slowly her attraction to him grew. To the point where she felt something that she had never felt for anyone else. But she was too scare ,of getting hurt again,to act on it.

Now here they both were. Meeting face to face.
To sign the contract for their match at Elimination Chamber. As if the hostility between them wasn't enough for them to tear each other apart. Add no countouts, no desqualifications, no submissions, no pins, and a 10 second count and what do you get?
A Last Man Standing Match.

Alexa looked at the tv just as Buddy Murphy stepped into the ring. He walked to the other side of ring until he was at one side of the table.
He sat down on black leather chair as Kurt called for Maverick.

Maverick's theme hit as the lights in the arena went dark. Before turning back on to reveal Maverick on stage with his signature black hoodie on black leather jacket over it. He walked down to the ring never taking his eyes off his opponent. He walked up the steps and stepped thru the ropes. He stood at the other side of the table staring at Murphy. Then and only then, did Maverick slowly pull his hoodie back to reveal his face.

Alexa took a breath. This wasn't going to end well.


Maverick sat down in the black leather chair, never taking his eyes off from Murphy.

"Maverick, Buddy Murphy" Kurt angle began as he open the black folder revealing the contract, "This is the official contract for your Last Man standing Match at the Elimination Chamber PPV. Lets make it official".

He slid the contract towards Murphy. Murphy Grab the pen and signed it before proceeding to the grab the mic.
"Im going to make this short and simple" he stared at Maverick, "At Elimination Chamber I will get redemption for what you did to me two weeks ago. Only one of us will be the last man standing and it is not going to be you because I planned to finish what Bray Wyatt started and do what what he couldn't do. Break you".

Maverick smiled as Murphy set his mic down on the table. He grabbed his mic and leaned back on the chair setting his feet on the table.
"You clearly don't know who I am" Maverick spoked. " So allowed me to introduced myself. My Name is Maverick".

"You don't know me but those who do know me know that I always keep my promises" Maverick kept smiling, " So I promise you this, at elimination chamber I will make sure that you are unable to stand even after the ref has finished the 10 count".

Maverick set the mic down and proceeded to stand up as Murphy stood up. Both staring at each other. He looked down for a second,only to sign the contract with his name, before looking back at Murphy.


Alexa watch as Maverick signed the contract and looked back at Murphy. Both at them stared at each other neither of them blinking.

Kurt angle senses the hostility between them and tells them to calm down. He tells them to save it for their match in two weeks.
Maverick listens and turns around and walks towards the ropes. Murphy stands still for a moment before pushing the table to the side and attacking Him.

Maverick is caught off guard at first. Murphy gets the upper hand but Maverick is able to fight him off. Giving a few seconds to breath before Murphy jumps him again. This time he fights back.

Maverick kicks Murphy in the gut before grabbing him and powerbombing Murphy thru the table in the ring. Maverick theme hits as he leaves the ring.

By this point Alexa was nervous. This wasn't headed in a good direction. Their match wasn't going to end well. Of that, she was sure.


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