Character Info

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Jesse Raven

Jesse Raven is the daughter of the superhero named The Immortal

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Jesse Raven is the daughter of the superhero named The Immortal. After her mom passed away, Jesse's only family was her father who hasn't told her his name. Jesse knows her father had left his mark on history, becoming a knight (Possibly King Arthur, or a Knight of the Round Table), and even the renowned Abraham Lincoln, before donning a cape and costume sometime in the early 20th century. Jesse will give his name as Arthur to people who ask for it in the future. Jesse knows a teenage boy that goes to the same school the boy's name was Mark Grayson. The two hit it off when Mark began talking to Jesse, and the fact that they had the same classes didn't help to become the class clowns. During that time of being together, Mark started to have feelings for Jesse but he doesn't know if she feels the same towards him. Meanwhile, Jesse likes being with Mark but she doesn't know if she likes him as a friend or if she is in love with him. Jesse knows being in a relationship with a person while she is a superhero is very hard. But she is very interested to see where this will take her and Mark in their story.

Jesse's Superhero Outfit

Jesse's Superhero Outfit

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Jesse Raven's Powers

Jesse can fly at Mach 3 speed, she has superhuman strength like her dad so she can hold her own during a fight. Jesse is capable of healing from injuries much faster than average humans, Jesse can heal others' damaged or withered organisms, wounds, broken bones, and poisoning. she can also transport herself and others anywhere in the world.

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