Chapter 14

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Next Day

While laughing and spending time together, Jesse and Mark, dressed in their superhero uniforms, were soaring through the sky. Mark spins around Jesse, who is observing him, and then gives her a cheek kiss. "Hey." Jesse said to him playfully as Mark grabs her in his arms and launches himself into the sky still holding her. "What is up with you?" Jesse asks him while she puts her arms around Mark's neck. "I...I just happy that's all." Mark said to her and he gives her a kiss. A short while later, the two separate, and Mark gives Jesse a cheek kiss making Jesse laugh a little. "Jesse..." Mark whisper to her making Jesse look at him. "I...I lo..." Mark then was cut off by people screaming from the below making Mark and Jesse look down to see it was Killcannon. "Oh, great." Jesse said to herself then Mark and Jesse fly over to Killcannon who starts firing at them. The two teens dodges them all while Killcannon laughs gleefully. "This time, I'm ready!" Killcannon yelled then Jesse punches him in the face sending him into a car. "I surrender--" Killcannon said but Mark punches him again.

After Killcannon was taken care of, Mark and Jesse were sitting on a building. "So, you don't have a job." Jesse said to him. "Yep. Mr. Sayer said I been late 12 times and he was going to dock my shifts. But I said I quit." Mark said to her. "Look at you, you are a big man now." Jesse said to him playfully. "Shut up." Mark said to her while playfully pushing her. "I didn't like that job anyway. "Mark said to her. "I am sure you will find a job that you like." Jesse said to him then the two can hear chaos down below. "Is this the villain outing day or what, man?" Jesse said to herself. 

Mark and Jesse land on the streets to see it was a Cat lady. "I'm sorry who exactly are you supposed to be?" Jesse asks her. "I'm Lion Rouge." She said to Jesse and Mark who look at each other. "Do you want to go first or...?" Mark asks Jesse. "I will go first." Jesse said to him then under her feet, Jesse creates a portal, and then Jesse is above Lion Rouge. Jesse gives her a side kick to the face, Lion Rouge launches to Mark, who takes her arm and throws her onto a building and over his shoulders. Jesse and Mark flies over to the Lion to see she was out cold. "That was easy." Jesse said to herself as the crowd who cheer for them. "You're welcome! Just trying to keep the city safe." Mark said to them. "Behind you!" Someone yelled making Jesse and Mark look at him. "What?" Mark said to him while Jesse looks over at the building that Mark threw the villain though. "Oh, crap." Jesse said to herself and she flies over to the building and she holds it up so the family doesn't get under it. Mark flies over to Jesse and he helps her hold it up and the two see there was a mother and her two kids. "Hi. Don't be scared. We got this, but, uh, I guess, get your stuff? Sorry about your apartment." Mark said to them then he looks over at Jesse. "You can leave this to me and you can help them out." Mark said to her. "Right." Jesse said to him and she starts getting the people out of the building.

Later Jesse was watching Mark and Nolan trying to get a villain to talk. "The Gravity Bomb, where is it?" Mark yells at the villain. "I'll never tell!" The villain yelled then he gasps in fear while Mark sighs. "Now what?" Mark asks his dad and Jesse. "Mark, you have to scare him. Make him think you'll actually drop him." Nolan said to him. "I can hear you!" The guy yelled at them. "I don't know, that seems mean." Mark said to him. "And that sometimes does work and other times it doesn't." Jesse said to Nolan. "All right here, I'll show you." Nolan said to the two teens and he takes the villain from Mark and he drops him. "Whoa!" Mark yelled while he and Jesse watch as the guy falls down. "There, see? Now he'll tell me everything." Nolan said to them. "Okay, but you're gonna catch him, right?" Jesse asks him. "Yeah. In a second." Nolan said to them and the three watch the guy fall even more but Nolan catches him later.

Later Mark and Jesse were fighting other villain. "So, are you up to do something tonight?" Mark asks Jesse while a brick is threw at Mark's head. "Maybe, what are you planning?" Jesse asks him then villain hits Mark with a pipe. "I don't know, I just want to take you out." Mark said to her then the villain throws a blue mail box at Mark. "Seriously?" Mark said to the villain.

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