Chapter 17

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Captain Immortal, Invincible, Monster Girl, and Black Samson are rushed into the GDA's ER. "Make a hole! Keep moving! Careful!" Female paramedic yelled. "I've got multiple skull fractures and cranial swelling." Paramedic said while Monster Girl was drowning in her own blood and was intubated. "She's convulsing!" Paramedic said to them but as they took care of her, she turned into the monster. Robot walks in and tells them he had studied her physiology, which meant that if they got him out of the room, she would die. He tells them that Monster Girl's only hope would arise if they triggered her healing abilities. Invincible has a hole all the way through him, so doctors work on him as Debbie and Nolan make it to the ER while Jesse was taken into a room where she can heal faster.

Soon, Mark starts to wake up. "Mark?" Mark hear his mom. "Mom?" Mark said while opening his eyes making Debbie gasp. "Oh...sweetheart." Debbie said as she hugs Mark. "I knew you'd pull through." Nolan said to Mark. "How long was I out?" Mark asks them. "Six days." Nolan said to him. "Six days?" Mark said as he sits up. "Where...Jesse...she is okay?" Mark asks them while Eve walks into the room. "She is fine, her healing powers are helping her." Eve said to him. "Black Samson? Monster Girl?" Mark asks her. "Still unconscious." Eve said to him making Mark look away. "It's not your fault." Debbie said to him.

Later Mark goes to Jesse's room to see Jesse was awake looking at her amulet. "Jess." Mark said making Jesse look at him as Mark walks over to her. "You look like you were run over by a bus." Jesse said to him with a smile. "Yeah, that's me. The guy who doesn't know how traffic lights work." Mark said to her as he sits down on Jesse's bed. "You healed up well." Jesse said to him while she caresses Mark's cheek. "I was terrified." Mark said to her while he holds her hand. "I saw how he hurt you and I wasn't able to help you. Sometimes, I think I am not worth of being your boyfriend." Mark said to her. "Mark..." Jesse said to him while Mark holds her hand. "You are a great boyfriend, sure you didn't save me from behind attack." Jesse said to him making Mark look at her. "Are you trying to make me feel better because it is not working." Mark said to her making Jesse laugh. "What I am trying to say is that you are a great hero and you are an awesome boyfriend." Jesse said to him with a smile. "Thanks." Mark said to her while hugging her gently. "I'm happy you are not dead." Mark whisper to her while Jesse hugs him back.

Two Days Later

At Grayson's Household

Mark was packing some stuff in his bag while Jesse was looking at her phone looing up Upstate University. "Find your future." Jesse reads out loud making Mark look at her. "I thought it was the better university and I want you to be there too." Mark said to her. "Sounds like fun but I was never planning on going to university." Jesse said to him. "What? Why?" Mark asks her while Jesse lays on Mark's bed. "Because I don't want to spend more of my life in a room learning more things when I can just lean it out there in the world." Jesse said to him as Mark sit next to her. "Maybe when you see the place you will change your mind." Mark said to her with a smile. "Maybe, but I don't think it will." Jesse said to him. "It's a start." Mark said to her. "Guys, William and Amber are here!" Debbie calls out to them.

Outside, Jesse gets into the car in the backseat with Mark and she gives Amber a smile who was riding shotgun. "I thought you didn't want to go to University." Amber said to Jesse. "Mark, talk me into coming with." Jesse said to her. "Oh, I see." Amber said to her. "Okay, be careful." Debbie said to them. "Don't have too much fun." Nolen said to them. "No drinking. No drugs. And no sex!" Debbie yelled making Amber, William and Jesse laugh while Mark groans. "No sex. Got it. I'll take good care of them, Mrs. Grayson!" William said to her then he starts the car and drives off to Upstate U. 

"Tell me more about this Rick guy." Amber said to William. "Oh, man. I can't wait for you to meet him. He's like, first of all, tall. Amazing hair. Thick as a horse's mane." William said to them. "That's good?" Mark asks him. "Yes." Jesse, Amber and William said to him at the same time. "Yes. Rick's style? Incredible. A perfect combo of street and prep. Did I mention his teeth? Little white bricks of joy." William said to them making Mark annoy a little because William will not stop talking about the guy. Jesse hugs Mark and she leans her head on his shoulder making Mark put his arm around her.

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