Chapter 7

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Next Day, At Raven's Household

Jesse was in the kitchen looking at her amulet while the tv was on.  

Where are the Guardians of the Globe? 

Jesse hears the news lady making her look at the tv. 

There's been no sign of the iconic heroes for over a week, leaving the local champions to pick up the slack. 

Jesse turns the tv off before looking at her phone seeing texts from Robot. Before Jesse can answer Robot she starts to feel pain in her eyes that turn red. 

Darkwing, why did you call us here?

Jesse hears her dad asks Darkwing while Jesse tries to stand up.

Is your daughter playing a park on us?

Jesse hears Red Rush while the amulet starts glowing red.

No, she would never uses it like that.

So none of us signaled the alert?


Then Jesse's eyes turn back to normal making her fall off her chair. "Omni Man." Jesse said to herself not understanding what was that. Jesse gets to her foot and she opens her phone and she starts looking up Omni-Man. 

Something was very wrong?

At The Grayson's Household

Mark tries to punch his dad as Nolan dodges away from him while Nolan was teaching Mark flying above their house. "It's like you're not even trying." Nolan said to Mark. Mark rushes at Nolan again and tires to swing a powerful punch but Nolan dodges it again. "And now you're trying too hard. Slow down. Don't hit me where I am, hit me where I'm going..." Nolan said then Mark land a punch directly where Nolan was moving, Nolan waws surprised that Mark manage to get him. "Haha, thanks for the tip." Mark said to him with a smile. "You know, you have to be able to take a hit, too." Nolan said then he rush over to Mark and he was going to hit him until...


Nolan stops and he looks down to see Debbie outside with Cecil by her side.  "Oh, great." Nolan said to himself.

Inside The Grayson's Household

"We picked this up near Mars an hour ago. Moving fast. He's back minute still he's breathing our air." Cecil said to them while he opens an image with the satellite and they family can see a figure moving. "I wouldn't ask, Nolan, but with the Guardians gone..." Cecil said to him. "I'll stop him." Nolan said to him. "Who's he?" Mark asks them. "Nolan's been home a week, and you want to send him to space?" Debbie said as she stands infront of Nolan. "No. No way. He doesn't work for you." Debbie said to him. "Sweetie..." Nolan said to her. "There's no one else, Debbie." Cecil said to her. "I'll go." Mark said to them. "Sweetie..." Nolan said to Debbie again. "I said, no. You're still injured." Debbie said to him. "I'll go." Mark said again making his parents look at him. "Okay." Nolan said making Debbie look at him. "What?" Debbie said to looking at Nolan. "Why not? He's not that tough. Mark can take him." Nolan said to her. "Oh, wonderful. That's your solution?" Debbie said to him. Could you define not that tough?" Mare asks his dad. "Just knock some sense into the guy and throw him back where he came from. Easy." Nolan said to his son. "How do I breathe in space?" Mark asks his dad. "That's the neat thing. You don't." Nolan said to him with a little smile. "Oh and also..." Cecil said making the three look at him. "You aren't going alone." Cecil said to Mark. "What do you mean?" Nolan asks him suddenly a blue portal was in the living room. "You called Cecil." Jesse said as she enters the living room. "Jess..." Mark said as he walks over to her. "You coming with me?" Mark asks her. "Yep." Jesse said to him making Mark smile at her. "I called her for extra help." Cecil said to Mark who nods a little. "12 minutes." Cecil said to them making Mark run up the stairs to quickly changed into his suit. Once done, Mark and Jesse exit the house and fly up. The two stop before entering space and Jesse can see Mark was nervous. "Okay..." Mark said to himself making Jesse place her hand on his shoulder. "I was in space before with my dad so you are in good hands." Jesse said to him making Mark nod. "And I find out I can talk to you in your mind." Jesse said to him. "What! How?" Mark asks her. "It's just something I can do now." Jesse said to him then two takes in a deep breathe and hold it in before flying into space to where "He" is located.

"See anything?"  Mark said in his head while looking at Jesse. "No, nothing." Jesse said to him in his head making Mark jump a little. "So, you can do it." Mark said to her. "Anyways, once I and my dad find this person who's around here, he'll be telling me about-" 

"Jess, look out!"

Mark yelled as he flies over to Jesse and he pushes her out of the way. Someone lands a hit on Mark as he takes the punch for Jesse. The two notice that "He" happens to be a humanoid alien with a suit on and has one eye. "Hey, you're early." The alien said to them them. "And you shaved your mustache." The alien said to them. "Bastard." Jesse said to him. "Stay away from our planet!" Mark yelled then Jesse rushes towards the alien and she spear him then she punches him sending him flying away. The alien then recovers and lands towards the satellite then he looks at them. "Not bad, but if you're trying to tackle me into something, your moon is that way!"  The alien said then he tosses the satellite at Jesse and she gets hit with it causing an explosion destroying the satellite. "Jesse! Damn it!"  Mark said then he turns to the alien. "Why can we hear you in my head?" Mark asks him. "Where else do you keep your brain?" The alien said then he flies to Mark and he swings his punches to him. Mark starts dodging them as he strikes a punches towards the alien's face. "That's what you call protecting your planet? I am sad for your people!" The Alien yelled then he punches Mark above his head sending him flying down to earth. Mark was on the clouds and he can breath again before he takes in a breathe again then he flies up to space again. Mark sees Jesse fighting the alien as he flies over to them. "Are you sure that the same guy I fought here three years ago?" The alien asks Jesse who looks at him. "I don't know what you are talking about." Jesse said to him and she headbutts the alien. "Ah, my eye!"  The alien yelled then Mark spears the alien and drags him again. "Really? You tried this already. Huh?" The alien then realizes that Mark was about to crash towards the moon and so he did alongside with the alien and caused a huge crash. Jesse rushes towards the moon and she lands onto the scene after the smoke clears away and she sees Mark making her run over to him. "You alright?"  Jesse asks him while kneeing down to him. "Yeah, I'm fine." Mark said to her as the alien walks over to the two. "Ha! Maybe you'll do after all." The alien said to them. "What are you talking about?" Mark asks him then the alien rushes towards Mark and he starts punching him. "Wait! We wanna talk!" Jesse yelled making the alien stop. "Are you using your time out?The alien asks them. "We get a time out? Why do we get a time out?" Mark asks him. "Hey, I didn't invent the rules." The alien said to him while moving away from Mark. "What rules? We don't even know who you are!" Jesse said to him while Mark stands up. "Oh. You don't?" The alien said to her.

The alien suddenly sits down on a boulder and waits for the two to side down as well so they can have a little talk. "All right, um..." The Alien said as Jesse and Mark sit on a boulder together. "I'm an evaluation officer for the Coalition of Planets. I drop by little dirtballs like yours to make sure there's someone capable of defending them against, you know, planet-conquering monsters, things of that nature." He said to the two. "I literally have no idea what any of that means."  Mark said to him. "Yeah, we don't even know who you are nor haven't seen you around her."  Jesse said to him. "Well, I don't know what to tell you, man. Your planet signed up for the program. See? Request from Urath for evaluation."  He said showing them a tool that says Urath. "Urath! This is Earth!"  Mark yelled while pointing at Earth. "Earth?" He said to himself. "Yes." Jesse said to him. "Not Urath?" He said to the two. "No." Jesse said to him. "Is that with an E or a U?" He asks the two. "E." Mark and Jesse said to him. "Oh, I'm in so much trouble. Well, thanks for letting me know. I'm Allen, by the way." Allen said to the two as he stands up. "Invincible." Mark said to him while standing up with Jesse. "Captain Immortal." Jesse said to Allen who chucks a little. "Oh, yeah? A little optimistic, isn't it?" Allen said looking at Mark. "Yeah, I know." Mark said to him. "I just fought you, and I think you're quite vincible" Allen said to him making Jesse laugh a little. "Okay, well, as long as I don't get fired, I'll see you around, Invincible and Captain. Sorry about all know."  Allen said to them. "It's okay, you were only doing your job." Jesse said to him making Allen smile at her before flying away to his planet leaving the two on the moon. "What the hell was that?" Mark asks himself. "I don't know to be honest but all I can say is he isn't a bad guy." Jesse said to him making Mark nod as Jesse looks up at Earth. "Wow, it's beautiful." Jesse said to Mark who looks at the Earth. "Yeah." Mark said to her as he holds onto Jesse's hand. Jesse looks at their hands while thinking about Nolan something was very off, knowing someone so strong than him can defeat him easily.

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