Chapter 9

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The Next Day

At The Guardians of the Globe Memorial

The whole town were there for the memorial, Jesse was sitting next to Mark and Olga. Mark looks up to see jet fighters fly overhead with his father flying with them until he flies over to the stage wearing his Omni Man uniform. "I've fought the unimaginable in defense of this world." Nolan said to everyone while Jesse holds onto Olga's hand. "I've battled alien tyrants, defeated nightmares from the deep. Gone toe to toe with ancient gods...but no matter what threat I faced, I knew I wasn't facing it alone." Nolan said to them while Jesse's amulet starts glowing. "Darkwing. Aquarus. War Woman. Green Ghost. Red Rush. Martian Man. Immortal. The Guardians of the Globe." Nolan said to them while Jesse looks over at Mark. "Today, we have lost titans, protectors, heroes, and we are left to wonder...who will save us now? I will, and so will others like me. New heroes answering the call. New champions ready to risk everything to keep this planet safe. All inspired by these great souls who came before us. You will have moments of doubt, of fear, of uncertainty, but in those moments, have faith..." Nolan said to them as he flies up. "And look to the sky." Nolan said to them and he flies up into the sky. 

Later that day, families of the Guardians of the Globe were at their funeral for the team where it was rain. "We seriously have to put everyone through this again?" Mark asks Jesse trying not to be affected by Red Rush's wife Olga heavy sobs. "The big one's for show, but the public can't know where the actual bodies are buried." Jesse said to him while holding her umbrella. "Souvenir hunters." Jesse said to him with a sad expression wearing a black rain coat. "Jesus." Mark said to himself. "I was never a Guardian of the Globe, but it was the Guardians who welcomed me when I first arrived on this planet. They were my mentors. My comrades. My friends. They knew the reality of this life." Nolan said to them while Jesse watches Nolan very closely. "Martian Man was exiled from his own people. War Woman was from a different age. Darkwing..." Nolan said then he chuckles ruefully then he clears his throat. "Well, Darkwing made his own kind of solitude. Immortal, had to save lives, yet he always wanted to return home to his daughter." Nolan said to them while Mark notices Jesse was upset about Nolan mentioning her father. "It was a rare, lucky few of us who found someone who understood our path, even rarer if they accepted it." Nolan said to them while Mark holds Jesse's hand to cheer her up. "I hope they will rest in peace, but at least they will rest together." Nolan finished his speech sadly. "Get your hands off me!" Olga yelled falling on the muddy ground nearby of her dead husband's coffin. "Olga, please, calm down." Donald stammered out, not sure on how to deal with the situation making Jesse run over to Olga. "You wouldn't even let me see him. Josef is finally standing still, and I still can't see him!" Olga yelled as he cried making Jesse knee down to her. "Olga." Jesse calls her making Olga look at Jesse. "He's gone." Olga said to her while Jesse takes out a handkerchief. "He is not coming back." Olga said to her as she broking down while Mark watches the two. "You okay?" Eve asks Mark who looks at her. "Me? I...I dunno. It just doesn't seem real." Mark said to her while Jesse cleans Olga's face with the handkerchief. "That could have been my mom, putting my dad in one of those holes, or me. If this could happen to the Guardians of the Globe, it means that none of us are...invincible." Mark said to her while Eve give him a sad look.

Afterwards, people began to leave the cemetery until Jesse notice Damien standing there taking notes. "You know this is a private ceremony right?" Jesse asks him as she walks over to Damien. "Private or not, I still have a job to do." Damien said to her as he looks at Jesse. "Anything new?" Damien asks her talking about the amulet. "The amulet gives me weapons now and is there going to be anything new I have to look out for?" Jesse asks him. "I can't say, the amulet acts on this own free will." Damien said to her as he looks away from. "I hate magic." Jesse said to herself as Nolan walks over to them. "This is a private ceremony, Darkblood." Nolan said to him making Damien grumble. "Never get invited. Show up anyway." Damien said to him while he writes something in his notebook. "What do you want?" Nolan asks him. "Same as you. Discover clues. Catch killer. Bring to justice." Damien said to him as Nolan places his hand on Jesse's shoulder. "And buy yourself a few more years out of hell. Don't pretend you do this because you care. You just don't want to go home." Nolan said to him as he pulls Jesse away from Damien. "Maybe one day, you'll know why." Damien said to him. "I already told Cecil everything I know." Nolan said to him. "Saw nothing. Heard nothing. Attacked in darkness. Left for dead." Damien said to him. "Are you insinuating something? The daughter of one of my dead friends are in front of you, I would never take away the only family she has." Nolan said to him making Jesse think about it while Damien grumbles. "Didn't mean to offend. Nuance of human conversation difficult for me. If you remember something..." Damien said to him. "I'll call you." Nolan said to him as he pushes Jesse away from them.

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