Chapter 6

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Three Days Later

At The Teen Team HQ

Jesse was on her laptop doing her homework. "Jesse." Jesse hears Robot making her look at him. "Is it not a school day?" Robot asks her. "Yes, I didn't feel like going to school." Jesse said to him. "You feeling okay?" Robot asks her making Jesse smile at him. "I'm fine." Jesse said to him making Robot nod before walking away. Suddenly, Jesse sees the amulet start glowing in red making her look at the amulet confused. "It means danger." Jesse hears someone behind her making Jesse turn to see Damien standing her. "What the hell!" Jesse yelled getting a jump scare by him while falling off the couch. "The amulet is warming that there is danger going to happen soon." Damien said to her while Jesse stands up. "Are you the danger?" Jesse said to him while closing her laptop. "Be prepared." Damien said to her then Jesse look up to see that Damien was gone. "You know, I hate you when you do that." Jesse said hoping he heard her then she hears one of the machine going off. "Is this supposed to be doing that?" Rex asks them making Jesse look over.

At School

Mark was in there cafeteria sad that Jesse was not in school and he was sitting with William who was eating. "So, you look sad." William said to him making Mark look at him. "Is it because Jesse is not in school or that you miss your girlfriend." William said to him. "We're just friends." Mark said to him. "Will you stop saying that? It's like you're trying to jinx any chance you have of dating Jesse." William said to him while pointing his meatball at Mark. "Why are you so intimidated by her other than she's amazing and you're kinda basic?" William said to him while Mark sees his phone buzzing. "Thanks for that, William." Mark said to him as he opens his phone to see Jesse has texted him. "Your welcome and when you and Jesse are together I will like finally or something like that." William said to him making Mark look at him. "I gotta go."  Mark said to him while standing up. "Go? Go where? You know what, I don't care. It's probably somewhere you'll be alone forever!" William yelled as Mark walks away from him.

In The City

"Where are they?" Dupli Kate questions Jesse who was looking at the action that's about to happened below. "I don't know." Jesse said to her while Rex turns his head, Jesse looks at Rex to see a jealous expression plastered on his face. "You okay, Rex?" Jesse asks him but he didn't answer her. "Uh, where are you guys coming from?" Rex asks Mark and Eve making Jesse look at the two. "Um, we go to the same high-school, Rex." Eve said to him while Jesse walks over to Rex. "Oh, you do, do you?" Rex said to her sarcastically. "Um, yeah, we do." Mark said awkwardly. "Must be nice. You know who never got to go to high school? Me." Rex said to them. "We know, it shows. You are a moron that is one of the reason why you didn't go." Jesse said to him playfully making Rex look at her. "And they go to the same school." Jesse said to him while Mark walks over to Jesse. "I didn't see at school." Mark said to Jesse while Rex and Eve walk away from them. "I didn't feel like going to school." Jesse said to him. "Are you okay?" Mark asks her while he looks at her amulet. "I'm fine." Jesse said to him making Mark smile. "I'd appreciate everyone's attention on the matter at hand." Robot said to the group. "Guess who's back." Jesse said to Mark who looks at a portal with a ton of aliens armed with firearms and cannons, a lot of them coming out. "They're not getting old, Robot. Why aren't they getting old?" Rex said starting to whined. "They seem to have discovered a way to resist our time stream." Jesse said to them. "In three days?!" Rex yelled while doing dramatic hands movement. "Three days for us. Decades for them." Robot said to them. "Tch who cares, I bet their bones still break." Dupli Kate said to them while Robot calls his ship as he, Rex and Dupli-Kate hop on. "So do ours." Rex said to them as he the group heads into the battlefield but Jesse and Mark. "Ready for this?" Jesse asks Mark genuinely. "Uh yeah, I think so." Mark said to her while looking at the chaos beneath them. "Hah, if your not, I'll be there to save you again." Jesse said to him cockily before flying into the battlefield leaving Mark smile.

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