Chapter 16

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The Next Day

It was noon and school as ended, Jesse, Mark, Eve and Amber. "Well, that sucked. This superhero thing is destroying my GPA." Mark said to Jesse while Eve and Amber were talking. "Like you'll ever need to find Mongolia on a map." Jesse said to him. "I know, right?" Mark said to her. "No, you do need to know that. I'm not kidding, it's really important that you can find places from the air." Jesse said to him making Mark chuckles a little. "I have see Eve more happy, did something happen?" Mark asks Jesse who nods a little. "Well, her and Rex are back together again." Jesse said to him making Mark nod. "That's good to hear." Mark said to her while he holds her hand. "I always volunteer the Beckwell Community Center downtown. We do dinners twice a week for anyone who's hungry. Beckwell's like my second home. I used to hang there after school till my mom was done working. Changed my life." Amber said to Eve while Mark kisses Jesse's cheek then Mark's alarm beeps on his phone. "Oh, man, gotta run. I and Jesse have a date plan for tonight." Mark said to Amber and Eve. "We do?" Jesse asks Mark who pulls her away from the other two. "See you two tomorrow."  Mark said to Eve and Amber.

"The only place we're guaranteed to find Machine Head is 60 stories up. The room is lined with windows, but they're bomb-proofed with something. There's a whole team of ex-military assholes patrolling the place, packing the latest shit, too." Titan said Mark and Jesse while the three were on a  building infront of Machine Head's building. "Which is why you need us, hmm?" Jesse said to Titan while she knees down. "I'm tough, but I'm not stupid." Titan said to her. "You look smart to me." Jesse said to him making Titan smile a little. "Can't the teleporter guy just pull Machine Head out once we get close?" Mark asks him. "I took care of Isotope." Titan said to him. "How?" Jesse asks him. "He's got a girl he sees a couple of times a week. I paid her extra to keep him there all evening." Titan said to them. "What?" Mark said to him making Jesse hit Mark's leg. "Oh...okay." Mark said to them and he sits down on the edge. "So we break into the penthouse and grab Machine Head. Then what?" Mark asks Titan. "Don't you got friends who can keep a guy like him off the street?" Titan asks them. "We could take him to the Global Defense Agency." Jesse said to Titan. "See? Doin' good already, hero." Titan said to them. "That was your daughter, back at Beckwell Community Center, right?" Mark asks him. "What's her name?" Jesse asks Titan. "Fiona." Titan said to her. "You guys go there often?" Mark asks him. "It's her second home." Titan said to him while he looks at the two. "Okay, we are in." Jesse said to with a smile.

In the building, one of Machine Head's goons were guarding until one of them see something. "What the...?" The goon said and it was Titan who crashes through the window. Mark and Jesse fly into the building taking out two more goons in the room. Titan then burst down the room door that Machine Head was in. "Machine Head!" Titan yells for him and the three see that Machine Head was sitting at his desk minding his business. "Get up. We're taking you in." Jesse said to him but Machine Head doesn't say anything making Mark walks over to Machine Head's table. "Hey!" Mark yelled and he slams his hands on the table. "It's over. You're way out of your league." Mark said to him. "Carry the two..." Machine Head said to himself before he looks up. "Oh, hello, Invincible, Captain Immortal and Titan." Machine Head said to them. "Boss." Titan said to him. "You're right. You're so strong, and tough, and, you fly all over the goddamn place, and you are strong and beautiful superhero. It's amazing." Machine Head said to them. "Uh...thanks?" Jesse said to him. "You know a lot about us." Mark said to him. "I also knew exactly when you and this giant pile of shit would walk in here and ruin my doors. Also, Italian maple, by the way!" Machine Head yelled at them. "No way you saw this coming." Titan said to him. "Aw, is that what you think? See, this is what happens when your head's a fuckin' rock." Machine Head said to him then Machine Head's assistant Isotope appears. "You said you took care of him." Jesse said to Titan. "I know what I said." Titan said to her. "This little upgrade shows me all kinds of possibilities, which is how I know it's not worth explaining to you three morons what quantum probabilities are, but it doesn't matter, because, like I said, Invincible's right, I'm out of my league. Except...I've got MONEY!" Machine Head yelled then Isotope uses his teleportation powers to teleport villains Machine Head has recruited. 

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