Chapter 15

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The Next Day

Jesse and Mark were flying around in the sky. "Whoo-hoo!" Mark yelled while he flies in the sky next to Jesse. The two then sees a plane making them fly over to it, Mark sees a little girl looking at them making him give her a salute before the two fly away. The two then notice a plane, which prompts them to fly closer to it. Mark then notices a small girl staring at them, prompting him to salute her before taking off.

Jesse then sees writing on top of a building. 

"Someone wrote your name wrong

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"Someone wrote your name wrong." Jesse said to Mark. "Huh, wonder who. Let's go check it out." Mark said to her and the two flew over to the building and they land on the building. "You missed a few letters." Mark said to him. "Paint costs money and you got a long-ass name." He said to him. "Oh, you're that guy I stopped from robbing a bank a few months ago." Mark said to him when he realizes who it was. "My name's Titan." Titan said to him. "'re--you're out for revenge. Fine, let's do this." Mark said to him as he gets ready for a fight. "I didn't call you here to fight." Titan said to him. "Because I'd win?" Mark asks him while Jesse watch the two. "You got lucky." Titan said to him. "Sure, he did." Jesse said to him. "I called you here because I need your help." Titan said to them. "Why would we help you? You're a criminal." Mark said to him. "You don't even know what that word means." Titan said to him. "Uh, pretty sure I do." Mark said to him. "No, you don't. I'm not a criminal, I just owed one money, and now I can't get out." Titan said to them. "So?" Jesse asks him. "So aren't you a heros? Helping people and taking down bad guys?" Titan asks them. "Yes, we do that." Jesse said to him. "So help me take down my boss. They don't get any worse than him." Titan said to them. "Who's your boss?" Mark asks him. "Machine Head." Titan said to them. "That's not a real name." Mark said to him. "Huh. Of course, you haven't heard of him. You're a rich kid from the suburbs." Titan said to him. "What? No, I'm--You don't know." Mark said to him. "Come on, man. Machine Head runs this city. If it's illegal and it makes money, it's his, and when people need to die to keep it that way, he's got muscle like me to take care of it." Titan said to them. "Yeah, I'm more like a big picture superhero. Saving the planet, stuff like that. Why don't you give, uh, Fight Force a call?" Mark said to him. "Sure, man, just fly away. Forget about everyone else down here. Let me show you what you don't see from up there." Titan said to him. "What, like, right now?" Jesse asks him. "You two got somewhere to be?" Titan asks them making Jesse and Mark look at each other. Later Mark was holding Titan while he and Jesse fly. "This is some bullshit." Titan said to them. "It's not a party for me either, man." Mark said to him while Jesse was trying not to laugh.

Once on a rooftop that looks over a street. "Machine Head owns the trash company, uses it to ferry drugs to stash houses all over the city. Machine Head owns this whole block. He pays off inspectors so he doesn't have to fix shit, then burns them for insurance money. If anyone's inside at the time, too bad." Titan said to them while Jesse sees two guys walking out of a building. "Which one's Machine Head?" Mark asks Titan making Jesse and Titan look at him. "Kidding. I'm kidding." Mark said to the two then the two man gets portal away. "What the hell was that?" Mark asks Titan. "His pet. You help me take down Machine Head, you help real people with real lives. Think about that next time you're fighting some stupid elephant-man or whatever." Titan said to them. "Why did you borrow money from Machine Head anyway?" Jesse asks him. "It wasn't for me." Titan said to her and he walks away to a little girl and her mom. "Daddy!" The girl yelled as Titan hugs his daughter. "Oh." Jesse said to herself.

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