Chapter 4

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At Chicago Illinois

When the police took Killcanon away, Mark and Jesse sat on top of a building. "I must mention that I adore your outfit." Jesse said to Mark, who was unaware that she was Jesse because of her wearing her mask. "Thank you, I adore it too." Mark said to her with a smile. "How do you choose your name?" Jesse asks him making Mark glances away from her. "Well, one of my very close friends once remarked Invincible, so I thought it was ideal." Mark said to her, Jesse was astonished to hear what Mark said to her because she knows he cares for her, but he showed it in another way right now. "That somebody must be really special to you." Jesse said to her, Mark turned to look at her. "I cherish her." Mark said to her making Jesse's heart begin to race. Suddenly, Jesse's watch began emitting a high-pitched tune and began to chime abruptly. Jesse silences the noise while Mark looks at the watch. "Duty calls." Jesse said to him as she stood up. "Have you got a help request?" Mark asks her making Jesse look at him. "I'll be okay, and I hope I run into you again." Jesse said to him then she leaps into the air making Mark watch her soar into the skies.

At Night

At The Guardians' Base

Jesse rushes towards the main area after noticing numerous automobiles outside the base and realizing what she had witnessed was a brutal massacre. Rushing into the room, Jesse turns to confront the bodies of her family members that have been crushed or severed in two. As two paramedics were about to carry her father, Jesse then discovers that he had been beheaded, causing her to flee. "Be careful. Sometimes, the spinal cord is impacted." Jesse spoke to them, but her father's body rose and struck the two people far away. Jesse approaches the body as it drops to the ground and Jesse removes her mask. Jesse turns to face the bodies once again, knowing her father will be okay but that the others are no longer alive, causing her to go to her knees and sob. "Omni-Man's alive!" Jesse hears one of the paramedics say as Cecil and Donald walk over to her. "Jesse..." Cecil calls her making Jesse look up at the two men with tears in her eyes. "You okay?" Cecil asks her but Jesse doesn't answer him she makes a patrol to her Teen Team superhero base.

At The Teen Team HQ

The team was about to leave for the night when Jesse lands hard on the floor making the team turn to her. "JESSE!" Rex yelled as he runs over to her with the other following him. "Jess, talk to me?" Rex asks her as he holds Jesse into his arms as she cries. "It's okay, Jesse we are here for you." Robot said to her as the team knees down to Jesse.

On The Following Day

At The Teen Team HQ

Jesse wakes up in the living room of the base and she sees Rex walking over to her with some tea. "Here." Rex said to her and he hands Jesse the cup. "Thanks." Jesse said to him as Rex sits down next to her. "You feeling okay?" Rex asks her while Jesse drinks some of the tea. "A little." Jesse said to him. "At least your dad will be okay." Rex said to her making Jesse look at him. "Yeah, but the others..." Jesse said to him as she starts to tear up a little. Rex puts his arm around her, making Jesse put the cup down and Rex hugs her. "It's going to be okay." Rex said to her while he gives Jesse a brotherly hug with Eve watching them. Sometime later, Jesse was with Robot, Rex walks over to Eve who was standing there waiting for him. "What's wrong, Babe?" Rex asks her. "Is there something going on with you and Jesse?" Eve asks him. "What? No, she is like a sister to me." Rex said to her and he grabs her hands. "You don't have to worry, Jesse needs me." Rex said to her and he kisses Eve's cheek and he walks over to Jesse who was looking at her phone. 

At The Household

Mark wakes up the next day in his bed by his alarm. Mark gets ready for school then he tries to text Jesse to see if she wants to walk with him but there was no answer from her. Mark walks down the stairs to see his mom getting ready for work and she had a worried look on her face. "Hey, Mom." Mark said as he walks over to her. "What's wrong?" Mark asks her making Debbie look at him. "Nothing. Just missing your dad. He didn't come home last night." Debbie said to him. "Mom, stop worrying. He probably got buried under a mountain again something." Mark said to her then he walks over to the kitchen. "Heh, well, it wouldn't be the first time." Debbie said to him then she turns to Mark. "Is Jesse coming?" Debbie asks him. "I don't know, she is not answering her phone. I am getting a little worried." Mark said to her making Debbie laugh a little. "I am sure she is fine." Debbie said to him and she walks over to the door. "Don't be late for school." Debbie said to him and she opens the door to see two security guys in front of her porch and they were there to deliver some news. 

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