Chapter 2

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The Next Day

Mark was with his dad who was going to help him with his new powers. "HELP ME!" Mark and Nolan hear someone yelling making them stop. "Dad, look." Mark said pointing down to a lady in her mid-20 getting robbed by three men. "You need to help her." Mark said to him until there was something fast flew past them and to Lady and the men. "It's Capitan Immortal." Mark said with a smile. Jesse kicks one of them from behind making the other men look at her. "Hiya boys." Jesse said to him while smirking. "Get her!" The red-head man yelled making the blonde one get back up and the group charged at Jesse. The dark curly-haired one came up first and swung a knife at Jesse's stomach but she quickly backs up and she grabs the man's arm and she punches him in the gut. He stumbled back and feels on the ground making the blonde one come up next. He threw punches at Jesse's face but she pivoted out of the way and he managed to hit Jesse in the stomach. Jesse stumbled back and looked the man straight in the eye. Jesse smirked before standing up straight, Jesse makes a portal behind her. Jesse uses her super speed and punches the guy in his stomach sending him flying into the portal then she runs over to another and she grabs his shirt and she throws him into the portal. Jesse then turns to the last one who was the redhead who runs over to her. He armed a kick at Jesse's head but Jesse brought her forearms up and she blocked the kick. Jesse gives the guy a smirk before taking a hold of the guy's arm and she throws the guy into the portal that closes when he goes through it. Jesse walks over to the lady who was shocked and relieved she was safe. "You okay, Ma'am?" Jesse asks her. "I-umm, yeah, I'm okay." The lady said to her. "You get home now, the guys are with the cops now." Jesse said to her making the lady nodded. "Thank you, Captain Immortal" She said to her and she hands Jesse some candy. "Don't eat them all at once." She said to Jesse who smiles as the lady walks away. Mark then watches Jesse fly away from the scene. "Do you know her?" Mark asks his dad as the two flies away. "Yes, she is a nice girl, she is strong like her dad and a very good fighter." Nolan said to him. "Can I meet her? I am not a big fan of her but it would be cool to meet her." Mark said to him. "Maybe, we will see what she says." Nolan said to him.

Later, Jesse was flying around making sure everything was fine in the city until she sees Omni-Man and Mark. Jesse stops relaxing that Mark's dad was training him, she then sees Mark fighting his dad trying to hit him. "You are doing very well, Mark." Jesse said to herself until she see Nolan punch Mark too hard hurting him. Jesse flies over to them and she sees Mark gasps for air. "Dad...You hurt me." Mark said to him while Jesse landed by Mark. "What a dad you are." Jesse said to Nolan while she heals Mark. "I didn't...I didn't mean to hit him so hard." Nolan said to her as Mark sits up with Jesse helping him. "Why did you do that?" Mark asks him. "Mark... if you really wanna do what I do, you have to be prepared for anything No one is gonna pull their punches." Nolan said to him making Jesse upset. Jesse turns to him and punches Nolan in the face sending him flying. "HOW DARE YOU!" Jesse yelled at him as Nolan sits up. "You don't say that thinking it will make it all okay. You just hurt your son and all you can think about is what he can become." Jesse said to him as Nolan stands up. "Watch your mouth, little girl." Nolan said to her, pissing Jesse off and she fly over to Nolan attacking him. Nolan takes ahold of Jesse's arms then he pins her to the ground hurting her. "ENOUGH!"  Someone yelled as they pushed Nolan off of Jesse. "If you ever touch her again, I will kill you." Nolan looks at the person who said that to see Immortal picking up his daughter. "Then you need to talk to her about minding her own business." Nolan said to him. "She was just speaking her mind." Immortal said to him and he flys away from the two.

Later, Jesse was in her room thinking as her dad walks into the room. "What were you thinking?" Immortal asks her making Jesse look at him. "You can't just yell at him even if you were speaking your mind and all." Immortal said to her making Jesse lay down with her back facing him. "You remind me of your mother so much." Immortal said as he sits down next to her. "She was so up-strong when it comes to others, funny, great with others, and doing whatever it takes to get what she wants." Immortal said to her and he starts playing with Jesse's hair. "No matter what you do or say to others, I love you, but you need to learn not to get into other people's business." Immortal said to her making Jesse sit up. "Even if they are hurting their own son?" Jesse asks him with a look. "Jesse." Immortal said to her. "Okay, fine. I will stop getting in other people's business." Jesse said to him making Immortal smile at her. Immortal stands up and kisses Jesse's forehead making her smile a little. "Dinner will be ready soon, okay." Immortal said to her and he leaves the room while Jesse looks out her window hoping Mark was okay.

Later that night, Jesse was flying over to Mark's house to make sure he was okay. Jesse lands on the roof of the house and she looks through Mark's window to see him looking at his phone very mad. Jesse knows she will see this anger tomorrow at school. "Go home, Jesse." Jesse hears Nolan making her turn to see him behind her. "You know you are pissing me off with how you are training him." Jesse said to him. "I don't remember asking you how you feel about how it." Nolan said to her making Jesse shoot him a mad look before flying away.

At The Teen Team HQ

Jesse was in the main room of the base on her phone talking to Mark as Robot walks over to her. "Jesse." Robot said to her making Jesse look at him. "It's getting late, I think you need to go home." Robot said to her as Rex enters the room. "I will don't worry, Robot." Jesse said to him as Rex walks over to her. "And there is my second favorite girl." Rex said to her making the two turn to him. "Hey, Rex." Jesse said to him as she stands up and walks over to him. Rex gives Jesse a brother hug, Rex was like a brother to Jesse, she keeps Rex in line and Rex protects her as a brother would. "Did someone make my little sis mad?" Rex asks her making Jesse look at him. "Sometimes, I hurt you." Jesse said to him as the two pull away from their hug. "But you love me." Rex said to her with a smile. "Yeah, I do." Jesse said to him.

Jesse spends some time at the base with Rex and Robot before returning home.

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