Chapter 1

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At Chicago Illinois

At Raven's Household

Before leaving for school, Jesse was packing her backpack with her books. She sprints out of her room toward the kitchen. When Jesse descends the stairs, she spots her father in front of the television. "Morning, dad." Jesse said making him look at her as Jesse walks over to him. "Morning, my little superhero." The Immortal said to her and he kisses Jesse's forehead. "You ready for school?" He asks her while Jesse walks over to the kitchen to make her a sandwich. "Yep, I just need to eat, and then..." Jesse said and she was cut off by an alarm going off making Jesse looks at her dad to see his watch. "I'm needed at the White House." The Immortal said to himself and he uses his speed to get to his daughter. "I will see you after school." The Immortal said to her making Jessee nod. "Okay." Jesse said to him with a smile. The Immortal kisses Jesse's forehead and he leaves the house using his speed. "I think I will walk to school today." Jesse said to herself as she turns off the tv and she leaves while eating her sandwich.

At The Grayson's Household

Mark was was in the bathroom, calmly reading a comic until there was a knock at the door. "Mom? What! I'll be out in a minute!" Mark yelled at her and he goes back to his comic book. "I don't have a minute." Debbie said to him as she enters the bathroom and she starts rummaging through the cabinet. "Mom!" Mark yelled and he covers his unmentionables with the comic book he was reading. "My bathroom's out of soap." Debbie said to him and she looks at him. "Get over yourself." Debbie said and she takes out the soap. "I used to change your diapers, kid. There's nothing going on down there I haven't seen before." Debbie said to him. "Just get out!" Mark yelled at her while motioning towards the door.

A little later, Mark was in the living room watching the news while eating his breakfast. The news was on and they were talking about the Mauler Twins' attacking the White House was reported. "Looks like Dad's saving the White House." Mark said to his mom who walks into the living room. "Alone?" Debbie asks him. "Guardians are there, too." Mark said to her. "Who are they fighting?" Debbie asks him and she looks at the tv. "Ugh, Mauler Twins. Looks like we won't be getting breakfast together. this morning. Bummer." Debbie said to him making Mark look at his mom. "It's the White House, Mom. Kind of important." Mark said to her. "Oh, they rebuild that thing twice a year at this point. If it's not Doc Seismic, it's the Lizard League, or someone else." Debbie said to him while she walks over to the kitchen. "I doubt the President still lives there." Debbie said to him and there was a knock on the door. "I get it." Mark said to her as he puts his plate down. Mark walks over to the door and opens it to see Jesse. "Hey, Mark." Jesse said to him with a smile. "Hey, Jesse." Mark said to her with a smile while turning red a little. Mark knows Jesse for a long time and he started falling for her. "So, I was thinking if you like to go to school together." Jesse said to him. "I...I..." Mark said to her and he hears the back door open. Mark turns around to see his dad in his superhero outfit without thinking Mark slams the door in Jesse's face. "Wow, that's mean." Jesse said to herself.

"I'm not too late! I'm gonna shower." Nolan said to them as he walks to the stairs. "Not so fast." Debbie said making Nolan look at her. "Come here first." Debbie said to him and the two start kissing making Mark groan. "Don't make me get the spray bottle." Mark said to them making the two look at him. "Now, let's get you out of that costume." Debbie said to Nolan making Mark feel sick. "Boundaries, people!" Mark yelled at them making his parents look at him. "Bathroom doors are closed for a reason, and parents should never ever talk about sex in front of their kids!" Mark yelled at them and starts walking up the stairs. "You should be overjoyed to see your parents passionately expressing their love for each other." Debbie said to him making Mark look at them. "Now stop griping  and go to school with Jesse." Debbie said to him making Mark remember that Jesse was here. Mark grabs his bag and walks to the door. "Couldn't you at least wait until I leave the house..." Mark said to them and he stops walking. "For college!" Mark yelled at them as he opens the door. "Bye! Have fun!" Mark yelled as he closes the door.

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