Chapter 8

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Next Day, At The School

Jesse was with Mark walking to their next class together. "I didn't know you had War Woman weapon." Mark said to her. "Well..." Jesse said to him while holding onto the amulet. "Is that your dad's?" Mark asks her while looking at the amulet. "No, this was Ghost's amulet but it's mine now and it being giving me their abilities." Jesse said to him while Mark looks at the amulet. "How?" Mark asks her. "Magic." Jesse said to him suddenly Jesse's phone rings making Jesse answer it. "Yeah." Jesse answer the call. "The fucking aliens are back." Jesse hears Rex making her look at Mark who has a serious look on his face nudging his head to the exit.

The city was under attack again and this time there were more Flaxans with more weapons and tanks and this firm the Flaxan leader has gain himself an upgrades. The leader has gotten a bigger robotic body with super strength and speed. The Teen Team flew into action, Robot driving his vehicle with Rex splode and Dupli Kate in the back while the others flew behind. "I have bad news." Robot said to them. "Ohh! Robot got bad news everybody, did ya hear that?! Hey Robot what's the bad news?!" Rex yelled dramatically sarcastically. "There are too many of them, their technology has advanced too far, and they've rendered themselves immune to our time stream. We should consider the city lost. I will contact Cecil and suggest a nuclear response." Robot said to them. "What! No way!" Mark yelled at him. "We're not nuking anyone Robot and we're not giving up." Jesse said to him then her, Mark and Eve flew into the area first.

As they arrive on the scene, the group fights against the aliens until Invincible got his leg caught by the leader who was wearing a mech suit now and he tossing him far way. Invincible crashes through the freeway bridge and towards some vehicles. Mark tries to recover until the Flaxan leader lands on top of him and starts throwing punches at him. "Invincible!" Robot yelled earning Jesse's attention seeing that the others wanted to help him getting stop by the crowd of Flaxans. The amulet gives her the Mace weapon again while she makes water throwing star. Jesse runs over to Mark and the leader then throw the weapon at the leader earning it's attention to her and Jesse sees there was only a scratch on him. "Come and get me!" Jesse yelled at him. "Jesse no!" Mark yelled as his vision was coming back to him. The leader jump onto her but Jesse dodges it then she makes hook knives and she tries to stab the leader. Suddenly, the leader grabs her neck choking her while Mark try to stand up. "Jesse!" Mark yelled making the team turn. "No!" Rex yelled as he tries to help her but aliens were in the way. Jesse's eyes start to closing while her breathing gets low suddenly a red blur appeared grabbing the collar of the leader and the next thing Jesse knew was being on the ground trying to breath. Mark runs over to her and he holds her up. "The calvary arrived." Jesse said to herself while Mark holds her. "You didn't have to do that." Mark said to her while holding her. "My dad would help." Jesse whisper to him while Omni man beating up all of the Flaxans. The Flaxans started escaping into their portal seeing that Omni man is killing all of them. Omni man looks down at the full team before using his super speed pushing the leader of the Flaxans back into it's portal. "Dad!" Mark yelled as the portal close making everyone look at him with surprised but Jesse. "Oh, whoa, whoa, whoa! Omni-Man's your dad?!" Rex yelled.

Later Mark rushes home with a beaten up and wounds around his face. "What happened?" Debbie asks when she sees her son all beaten up. "Dad saved us from the Flaxans...but he went into one of their portals." Mark said to her while walking over to her. "Oh. So he'll be late for dinner?" Debbie asks him making Mark give her a surprised look. "I was worried before because I've never seen your father so badly hurt, but taking on aliens in another dimension? That's just Tuesday. I'm sure he's explaining nicely why they should leave us alone." Debbie said to her son.

Mark turns around to go to his room but he was face to face with Jesse. "What the hell!" Mark yelled making Debbie turn to him to see Jesse standing there. "Jesse, honey I love that you are coming more over but don't do that." Debbie said to her. "It's hard not to when this is the end result." Jesse said to her with a smile. "Cute." Debbie said to herself while Jesse and Mark sit in the living room where Jesse uses her healing powers to heal Mark's face. "Today was exhausting." Jesse said to him making Mark laugh a little. "Well, today was more exhausting because of the aliens." Mark said to her. "So dramatic." Jesse said to him making Mark look at her. "He was going to kill you." Mark said to her making Jesse smile at him. "I was going to heal." Jesse said to him. "I know but I don't think I can live that long without you." Mark said to her making Jesse smile at him. "You are so dramatic." Jesse said to him as Mark leans closer to her and was going to kiss her but...

"I walk in at the wrong time." Nolan said making the two turn to him. "Dad!" Mark yelled as he runs over to his dad and gives him a hug. Debbie walks over to them and she gives Nolan a kiss on the cheek before hugging him. "I'm-I'm at a loss for how to report this, but the Guardians of the Globe are dead." The news lady on the tv making Jesse look at the tv. Nolan turns to face Jesse, he notices that the amulet was burning crimson. Nolan is aware that the amulet will provide him with numerous difficulties.

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